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CopyUtils Type

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CopyUtils.tryDeepCopyObj (o, ?includeInstanceProperties)

Full Usage: CopyUtils.tryDeepCopyObj (o, ?includeInstanceProperties)

    o : obj - The object that should be deep copied
    ?includeInstanceProperties : bool - Whether to include instance properties (= 'static' properties on the class) as dynamic properties on the new instance for matched DynamicObj. Default is true

Returns: obj

function to deep copy a boxed object (if possible) The following cases are handled (in this precedence): - Basic F# types (`bool`, `byte`, `sbyte`, `int16`, `uint16`, `int`, `uint`, `int64`, `uint64`, `nativeint`, `unativeint`, `float`, `float32`, `char`, `string`, `unit`, `decimal`) - `ResizeArrays` and `Dictionaries` containing any combination of basic F# types - `Dictionaries` containing `DynamicObj` as keys or values in any combination with `DynamicObj` or basic F# types as keys or values - `array`, `list`, `ResizeArray`: These collections of DynamicObj are copied as a new collection with recursively deep copied elements. - `System.ICloneable`: If the property implements `ICloneable`, the `Clone()` method is called on the property. - `DynamicObj` (and derived classes): properties that are themselves `DynamicObj` instances are deep copied recursively. if a derived class has static properties (e.g. instance properties), these can be copied as dynamic properties on the new instance or ignored. Note on Classes that inherit from `DynamicObj`: Classes that inherit from DynamicObj will match the `DynamicObj` typecheck if they do not implement `ICloneable`. The deep copied instances will be cast to `DynamicObj` with deep copied dynamic properties. Staic/instance properties can be copied as dynamic properties on the new instance or be ignored. It should be possible to 'recover' the original type by checking if the needed properties exist as dynamic properties, and then passing them to the class constructor if needed.

o : obj

The object that should be deep copied

?includeInstanceProperties : bool

Whether to include instance properties (= 'static' properties on the class) as dynamic properties on the new instance for matched DynamicObj. Default is true

Returns: obj

Type something to start searching.