Vertices Module

Functions for vertices of directed Graphs

Functions and values

Function or value Description

clusteringCoefficient (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) g

Full Usage: clusteringCoefficient (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) g

    arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    arg1 : 'Vertex
    arg2 : 'Label
    arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    g : Graph<'Vertex, 'Label, 'Edge>

Returns: float

Evaluates the clustering coefficient of the vertex.

arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
arg1 : 'Vertex
arg2 : 'Label
arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
g : Graph<'Vertex, 'Label, 'Edge>
Returns: float

degree (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

Full Usage: degree (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

    arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    arg1 : 'Vertex
    arg2 : 'Label
    arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Returns: int

Evaluates the number of edges associated with the vertex.

arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
arg1 : 'Vertex
arg2 : 'Label
arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
Returns: int

inwardDegree (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

Full Usage: inwardDegree (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

    arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    arg1 : 'Vertex
    arg2 : 'Label
    arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Returns: int

Evaluates the number of edges pointing to the vertex.

arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
arg1 : 'Vertex
arg2 : 'Label
arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
Returns: int

inwardEdges (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

Full Usage: inwardEdges (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

    arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    arg1 : 'Vertex
    arg2 : 'Label
    arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Returns: LEdge<'Vertex, 'Edge> list

Returns all edges pointing to the given vertex

arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
arg1 : 'Vertex
arg2 : 'Label
arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
Returns: LEdge<'Vertex, 'Edge> list

neighbours (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

Full Usage: neighbours (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

    arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    arg1 : 'Vertex
    arg2 : 'Label
    arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Returns: 'Vertex list

Lists the vertices which are connected to the vertex.

arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
arg1 : 'Vertex
arg2 : 'Label
arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
Returns: 'Vertex list

outwardDegree (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

Full Usage: outwardDegree (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

    arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    arg1 : 'Vertex
    arg2 : 'Label
    arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Returns: int

Evaluates the number of edges pointing away from the vertex.

arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
arg1 : 'Vertex
arg2 : 'Label
arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
Returns: int

outwardEdges (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

Full Usage: outwardEdges (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

    arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    arg1 : 'Vertex
    arg2 : 'Label
    arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Returns: LEdge<'Vertex, 'Edge> list

Returns all edges pointing away from the given vertex

arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
arg1 : 'Vertex
arg2 : 'Label
arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
Returns: LEdge<'Vertex, 'Edge> list

predecessors (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

Full Usage: predecessors (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

    arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    arg1 : 'Vertex
    arg2 : 'Label
    arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Returns: 'Vertex list

Lists the vertices which have edges pointing to the vertex.

arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
arg1 : 'Vertex
arg2 : 'Label
arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
Returns: 'Vertex list

successors (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

Full Usage: successors (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)

    arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
    arg1 : 'Vertex
    arg2 : 'Label
    arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Returns: 'Vertex list

Lists the vertices which have edges pointing away from the vertex.

arg0 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
arg1 : 'Vertex
arg2 : 'Label
arg3 : Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>
Returns: 'Vertex list