FSharp.FGL Namespace

Type/Module Description

Adj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Tuple list of adjacent vertices and the linking edges

Context<'Vertex, 'Label, 'Edge>

Context of a vertice as defined by Martin Erwig. Adjacency of type 'Adj'


Unlabeled edge


General functions for both directed and undirected graphs

Graph<'Vertex, 'Label, 'Edge>

Map of Vertices as keys and MContexts as values

LEdge<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Labeled edge


Lenses for working with contexts

LVertex<'Vertex, 'Label>

Labeled vertex

MAdj<'Vertex, 'Edge>

Map of adjacent vertices as key and the linking edges as values

MContext<'Vertex, 'Label, 'Edge>

Context of a vertices as defined by Martin Erwig. Adjacency of type 'MAdj'


Functions for vertices of both directed and undirected graphs