Sample: Clustering iris data set
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44: 45: 46: 47: 48: 49: 50: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: 57: |
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: |
namespace FSharp
namespace FSharp.Plotly
namespace System
namespace Microsoft
namespace Microsoft.ML
namespace Microsoft.ML.Data
module FSharpML
module Data
from FSharpML
from FSharpML
namespace FSharpML.EstimatorModel
namespace FSharpML.TransformerModel
type IrisData =
{ Label: obj
SepalLength: obj
SepalWidth: obj
PetalLength: obj
PetalWidth: obj }
Describes Iris flower. Used as an input to prediction function.
{ Label: obj
SepalLength: obj
SepalWidth: obj
PetalLength: obj
PetalWidth: obj }
Describes Iris flower. Used as an input to prediction function.
IrisData.Label: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj
IrisData.SepalLength: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj
IrisData.SepalWidth: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj
IrisData.PetalLength: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj
IrisData.PetalWidth: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj
val mlContext : MLContext
Multiple items
type MLContext =
new : ?seed:Nullable<int> -> MLContext
member AnomalyDetection : AnomalyDetectionCatalog
member BinaryClassification : BinaryClassificationCatalog
member Clustering : ClusteringCatalog
member ComponentCatalog : ComponentCatalog
member Data : DataOperationsCatalog
member Forecasting : ForecastingCatalog
member Model : ModelOperationsCatalog
member MulticlassClassification : MulticlassClassificationCatalog
member Ranking : RankingCatalog
MLContext(?seed: Nullable<>) : MLContext
type MLContext =
new : ?seed:Nullable<int> -> MLContext
member AnomalyDetection : AnomalyDetectionCatalog
member BinaryClassification : BinaryClassificationCatalog
member Clustering : ClusteringCatalog
member ComponentCatalog : ComponentCatalog
member Data : DataOperationsCatalog
member Forecasting : ForecastingCatalog
member Model : ModelOperationsCatalog
member MulticlassClassification : MulticlassClassificationCatalog
member Ranking : RankingCatalog
MLContext(?seed: Nullable<>) : MLContext
Multiple items
type Nullable =
static member Compare<'T> : n1:Nullable<'T> * n2:Nullable<'T> -> int
static member Equals<'T> : n1:Nullable<'T> * n2:Nullable<'T> -> bool
static member GetUnderlyingType : nullableType:Type -> Type
type Nullable<'T (requires default constructor and value type and 'T :> ValueType)> =
new : value:'T -> Nullable<'T>
member Equals : other:obj -> bool
member GetHashCode : unit -> int
member GetValueOrDefault : unit -> 'T + 1 overload
member HasValue : bool
member ToString : unit -> string
member Value : 'T
Nullable ()
Nullable(value: 'T) : Nullable<'T>
type Nullable =
static member Compare<'T> : n1:Nullable<'T> * n2:Nullable<'T> -> int
static member Equals<'T> : n1:Nullable<'T> * n2:Nullable<'T> -> bool
static member GetUnderlyingType : nullableType:Type -> Type
type Nullable<'T (requires default constructor and value type and 'T :> ValueType)> =
new : value:'T -> Nullable<'T>
member Equals : other:obj -> bool
member GetHashCode : unit -> int
member GetValueOrDefault : unit -> 'T + 1 overload
member HasValue : bool
member ToString : unit -> string
member Value : 'T
Nullable ()
Nullable(value: 'T) : Nullable<'T>
val fullData : Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj
val hasHeader : Microsoft.FSharp.Core.bool
val separatorChar : Microsoft.FSharp.Core.char
val columns : TextLoader.Column Microsoft.FSharp.Core.[]
type TextLoader =
member GetOutputSchema : unit -> DataViewSchema
member Load : source:IMultiStreamSource -> IDataView
nested type Column
nested type Options
nested type Range
member GetOutputSchema : unit -> DataViewSchema
member Load : source:IMultiStreamSource -> IDataView
nested type Column
nested type Options
nested type Range
type Column =
new : unit -> Column + 3 overloads
val Name : string
val Source : Range[]
val KeyCount : KeyCount
member DataKind : DataKind with get, set
new : unit -> Column + 3 overloads
val Name : string
val Source : Range[]
val KeyCount : KeyCount
member DataKind : DataKind with get, set
type DataKind =
| SByte = 1uy
| Byte = 2uy
| Int16 = 3uy
| UInt16 = 4uy
| Int32 = 5uy
| UInt32 = 6uy
| Int64 = 7uy
| UInt64 = 8uy
| Single = 9uy
| Double = 10uy
| SByte = 1uy
| Byte = 2uy
| Int16 = 3uy
| UInt16 = 4uy
| Int32 = 5uy
| UInt32 = 6uy
| Int64 = 7uy
| UInt64 = 8uy
| Single = 9uy
| Double = 10uy
field DataKind.Single: DataKind = 9uy
Multiple items
module Data
from FSharpML
namespace Microsoft.ML.Data
namespace System.Data
module Data
from FSharpML
namespace Microsoft.ML.Data
namespace System.Data
val loadFromTextFile : mlc:MLContext -> separatorChar:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.char -> hasHeader:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.bool -> columns:TextLoader.Column Microsoft.FSharp.Core.[] -> path:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string -> IDataView
module DataModel
from FSharpML
from FSharpML
val ofDataview<'info> : mlc:MLContext -> dataview:IDataView -> DataModel.DataModel<Microsoft.FSharp.Core.obj>
val plot1 : '_arg3
property MLContext.Data: DataOperationsCatalog with get
DataOperationsCatalog.CreateEnumerable<'TRow (requires default constructor and reference type)>(data: IDataView, reuseRowObject: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.bool,?ignoreMissingColumns: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.bool,?schemaDefinition: SchemaDefinition) : Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'TRow>
module Seq
from FSharp.Plotly
from FSharp.Plotly
type Chart =
static member Area : xy:seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?ShowMarkers:bool * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Dash:DrawingStyle * ?Width:'a4 -> GenericChart
static member Area : x:seq<#IConvertible> * y:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?ShowMarkers:bool * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Dash:DrawingStyle * ?Width:'a4 -> GenericChart
static member Bar : keysvalues:seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Marker:Marker -> GenericChart
static member Bar : keys:seq<#IConvertible> * values:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Marker:Marker -> GenericChart
static member BoxPlot : xy:seq<'a0 * 'a1> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Fillcolor:'a3 * ?Opacity:float * ?Whiskerwidth:'a4 * ?Boxpoints:Boxpoints * ?Boxmean:BoxMean * ?Jitter:'a5 * ?Pointpos:'a6 * ?Orientation:Orientation -> GenericChart
static member BoxPlot : ?x:'a0 * ?y:'a1 * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Fillcolor:'a3 * ?Opacity:float * ?Whiskerwidth:'a4 * ?Boxpoints:Boxpoints * ?Boxmean:BoxMean * ?Jitter:'a5 * ?Pointpos:'a6 * ?Orientation:Orientation -> GenericChart
static member Bubble : xysizes:seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:'a3 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font -> GenericChart
static member Bubble : x:seq<#IConvertible> * y:seq<#IConvertible> * sizes:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:'a3 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font -> GenericChart
static member ChoroplethMap : locations:seq<string> * z:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Text:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Locationmode:LocationFormat * ?Autocolorscale:bool * ?Colorscale:Colorscale * ?Colorbar:'a2 * ?Marker:Marker * ?Zmin:'a3 * ?Zmax:'a4 -> GenericChart
static member Column : keysvalues:seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Marker:Marker -> GenericChart
static member Area : xy:seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?ShowMarkers:bool * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Dash:DrawingStyle * ?Width:'a4 -> GenericChart
static member Area : x:seq<#IConvertible> * y:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?ShowMarkers:bool * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Dash:DrawingStyle * ?Width:'a4 -> GenericChart
static member Bar : keysvalues:seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Marker:Marker -> GenericChart
static member Bar : keys:seq<#IConvertible> * values:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Marker:Marker -> GenericChart
static member BoxPlot : xy:seq<'a0 * 'a1> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Fillcolor:'a3 * ?Opacity:float * ?Whiskerwidth:'a4 * ?Boxpoints:Boxpoints * ?Boxmean:BoxMean * ?Jitter:'a5 * ?Pointpos:'a6 * ?Orientation:Orientation -> GenericChart
static member BoxPlot : ?x:'a0 * ?y:'a1 * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Fillcolor:'a3 * ?Opacity:float * ?Whiskerwidth:'a4 * ?Boxpoints:Boxpoints * ?Boxmean:BoxMean * ?Jitter:'a5 * ?Pointpos:'a6 * ?Orientation:Orientation -> GenericChart
static member Bubble : xysizes:seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:'a3 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font -> GenericChart
static member Bubble : x:seq<#IConvertible> * y:seq<#IConvertible> * sizes:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?MarkerSymbol:Symbol * ?Color:'a3 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font -> GenericChart
static member ChoroplethMap : locations:seq<string> * z:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Text:seq<#IConvertible> * ?Locationmode:LocationFormat * ?Autocolorscale:bool * ?Colorscale:Colorscale * ?Colorbar:'a2 * ?Marker:Marker * ?Zmin:'a3 * ?Zmax:'a4 -> GenericChart
static member Column : keysvalues:seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name:string * ?Showlegend:bool * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:float * ?Labels:seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font * ?Marker:Marker -> GenericChart
static member Chart.Point : xy:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<#IConvertible * #IConvertible> * ?Name:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string * ?Showlegend:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.bool * ?MarkerSymbol:StyleParam.Symbol * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float * ?Labels:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:StyleParam.TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font -> GenericChart.GenericChart
static member Chart.Point : x:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<#IConvertible> * y:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string * ?Showlegend:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.bool * ?MarkerSymbol:StyleParam.Symbol * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float * ?Labels:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:StyleParam.TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font -> GenericChart.GenericChart
static member Chart.Point : x:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<#IConvertible> * y:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string * ?Showlegend:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.bool * ?MarkerSymbol:StyleParam.Symbol * ?Color:'a2 * ?Opacity:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float * ?Labels:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<#IConvertible> * ?TextPosition:StyleParam.TextPosition * ?TextFont:Font -> GenericChart.GenericChart
static member Chart.Combine : gCharts:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.seq<GenericChart.GenericChart> -> GenericChart.GenericChart
val trainingData : 'a
val testingData : 'a
val trainTestSplit : testfraction:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.float -> dataModel:DataModel.DataModel<'a> -> DataModel.DataModel<DataModel.TrainTestSplitInfo> * DataModel.DataModel<DataModel.TrainTestSplitInfo>
val model : '_arg3 (requires member ( |> ) and member ( |> ) and 'a :> ITransformer and reference type and 'c :> ITransformer and reference type)
Multiple items
module EstimatorModel
from FSharpML.EstimatorModel
namespace FSharpML.EstimatorModel
type EstimatorModel<'a (requires 'a :> ITransformer and reference type)> =
{ EstimatorChain: EstimatorChain<'a>
Context: MLContext }
module EstimatorModel
from FSharpML.EstimatorModel
namespace FSharpML.EstimatorModel
type EstimatorModel<'a (requires 'a :> ITransformer and reference type)> =
{ EstimatorChain: EstimatorChain<'a>
Context: MLContext }
val create : mlContext:MLContext -> EstimatorModel<'a> (requires reference type and 'a :> ITransformer)
val appendBy : transforming:(MLContext -> #IEstimator<'c>) -> estimatorModel:EstimatorModel<'d> -> EstimatorModel<'c> (requires 'c :> ITransformer and reference type and 'd :> ITransformer and reference type)
val mlc : MLContext
property MLContext.Transforms: TransformsCatalog with get
(extension) TransformsCatalog.Concatenate(outputColumnName: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string, [<ParamArray>] inputColumnNames: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string Microsoft.FSharp.Core.[]) : Transforms.ColumnConcatenatingEstimator
module DefaultColumnNames
from FSharpML
from FSharpML
val Features : Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string
property MLContext.Clustering: ClusteringCatalog with get
property ClusteringCatalog.Trainers: ClusteringCatalog.ClusteringTrainers with get
(extension) ClusteringCatalog.ClusteringTrainers.KMeans(options: Trainers.KMeansTrainer.Options) : Trainers.KMeansTrainer
(extension) ClusteringCatalog.ClusteringTrainers.KMeans(?featureColumnName: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string,?exampleWeightColumnName: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string,?numberOfClusters: : Trainers.KMeansTrainer
(extension) ClusteringCatalog.ClusteringTrainers.KMeans(?featureColumnName: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string,?exampleWeightColumnName: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string,?numberOfClusters: : Trainers.KMeansTrainer
val fit : data:IDataView -> estimatorModel:EstimatorModel<'a> -> TransformerModel<'a> (requires 'a :> ITransformer and reference type)
val predictions : '_arg3
Multiple items
module TransformerModel
from FSharpML.TransformerModel
namespace FSharpML.TransformerModel
type TransformerModel<'a (requires 'a :> ITransformer and reference type)> =
{ TransformerChain: TransformerChain<'a>
Context: MLContext }
module TransformerModel
from FSharpML.TransformerModel
namespace FSharpML.TransformerModel
type TransformerModel<'a (requires 'a :> ITransformer and reference type)> =
{ TransformerChain: TransformerChain<'a>
Context: MLContext }
val transform : data:IDataView -> transformerModel:TransformerModel<'b> -> IDataView (requires 'b :> ITransformer and reference type)
val metrics : '_arg3
module Evaluation
from FSharpML.TransformerModel
from FSharpML.TransformerModel
Multiple items
module Clustering
from FSharpML.TransformerModel.Evaluation
type Clustering =
static member evaluateWith : ?Label:string * ?Score:string * ?Features:string -> (IDataView -> TransformerModel<'a0> -> ClusteringMetrics) (requires 'a0 :> ITransformer and reference type)
module Clustering
from FSharpML.TransformerModel.Evaluation
type Clustering =
static member evaluateWith : ?Label:string * ?Score:string * ?Features:string -> (IDataView -> TransformerModel<'a0> -> ClusteringMetrics) (requires 'a0 :> ITransformer and reference type)
static member Evaluation.Clustering.evaluateWith : ?Label:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string * ?Score:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string * ?Features:Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string -> (IDataView -> TransformerModel<'a0> -> ClusteringMetrics) (requires 'a0 :> ITransformer and reference type)
val Score : Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string
val testingData : 'a Microsoft.FSharp.Core.[]