BivariateLinearSpline Type


Constructor Description

BivariateLinearSpline(x, y, datamatrix)

Full Usage: BivariateLinearSpline(x, y, datamatrix)

    x : IReadOnlyList<float> - Vector of x values corresponding to the rows of the data matrix. Must be strongly increasing or decreasing.
    y : IReadOnlyList<float> - Vector of y values corresponding to the columns of the data matrix. Must be strongly increasing or decreasing.
    datamatrix : IROMatrix<float> -

Constructor of a bivariate linear spline. The vectors and the data matrix are not cloned, so make sure that they don't change during usage of this instance.

x : IReadOnlyList<float>

Vector of x values corresponding to the rows of the data matrix. Must be strongly increasing or decreasing.

y : IReadOnlyList<float>

Vector of y values corresponding to the columns of the data matrix. Must be strongly increasing or decreasing.

datamatrix : IROMatrix<float>

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Interpolate

    x : float - The x coordinate.
    y : float - The y coordinate.

Returns: float The interpolated value. Returns double.NaN if x or y is outside of the bound.

Interpolates the values with given x and y coordinates. Returns double.NaN if x or y are outside the bounds.

x : float

The x coordinate.

y : float

The y coordinate.

Returns: float

The interpolated value. Returns double.NaN if x or y is outside of the bound.