JaggedArrayMatrix Type

JaggedArrayMatrix is a matrix implementation that is relatively easy to extend to the bottom, i.e. to append rows. It is horizontal oriented, i.e. the storage is as a number of horizontal vectors. Furthermore, as a compromise, it provides fully access to its underlying jagged array.


Constructor Description

JaggedArrayMatrix(rows, cols)

Full Usage: JaggedArrayMatrix(rows, cols)

    rows : int - Number of rows of the matrix.
    cols : int - Number of cols of the matrix.

Sets up an empty matrix with dimension(row,cols).

rows : int

Number of rows of the matrix.

cols : int

Number of cols of the matrix.


Full Usage: JaggedArrayMatrix(x)

    x : float[][] - Jagged double array containing the matrix data. The data are used directly (no copy)!

Uses an already existing array for the matrix data.

x : float[][]

Jagged double array containing the matrix data. The data are used directly (no copy)!

JaggedArrayMatrix(x, rows, cols)

Full Usage: JaggedArrayMatrix(x, rows, cols)

    x : float[][] - Jagged double array containing the matrix data. The data are used directly (no copy)!
    rows : int - Number of (used) rows of the matrix.
    cols : int - Number of columns of the matrix.

Uses an already existing array for the matrix data.

x : float[][]

Jagged double array containing the matrix data. The data are used directly (no copy)!

rows : int

Number of (used) rows of the matrix.

cols : int

Number of columns of the matrix.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.AppendBottom

    a : IROMatrix<float> - Matrix to append to the bottom of this matrix.

Modifiers: abstract

Appends the matrix a at the bottom of this matrix. Either this matrix must be empty (dimensions (0,0)) or the matrix to append must have the same number of columns than this matrix.

a : IROMatrix<float>

Matrix to append to the bottom of this matrix.


Full Usage: this.Array

Returns: float[][]

Provides direct access to the underlying jagged array. JaggedArrayMath can then be used to speed up computations.

Returns: float[][]


Full Usage: this.Clear

Clears the content of the matrix.


Full Usage: this.ColumnCount

Returns: int
Modifiers: abstract

Number of columns of the matrix.

Returns: int

this.[arg1, arg2]

Full Usage: this.[arg1, arg2]

    arg0 : int

Returns: int
Modifiers: abstract

Element accessor. Accesses the element [row, col] of the matrix.

arg0 : int
Returns: int


Full Usage: this.RowCount

Returns: int
Modifiers: abstract

Number of Rows of the matrix.

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.SetDimension

    rows : int - Number of rows of the matrix.
    cols : int - Number of columns of the matrix.

Set up the dimensions of the matrix. Discards the old content and reset the matrix with the new dimensions. All elements become zero.

rows : int

Number of rows of the matrix.

cols : int

Number of columns of the matrix.


Full Usage: this.ToString

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

Represents the content of the matrix as a string.

Returns: string