xOdeBase Type

Represents the base class for the Odes.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: xOdeBase()

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.AbsTol

An absolute error tolerance parameter

If ErrorToleranceType = ErrorToleranceEnum.Scalar the estimated local error in Y(i) is controlled to be less than RelTol*Abs(Y[i]) + AbsTol.


Full Usage: this.AbsTolArray

An absolute error tolerance array (length numEquations).

If ErrorToleranceType = ErrorToleranceEnum.Array the estimated local error in Y(i) is controlled to be less than RelTolArray[I]*Abs(Y(I))+AbsTolArray[i].


Full Usage: this.ErrorToleranceType

Specifies the type of the relative error and absolute error tolerances.


Full Usage: this.InitializeODEs

    function : OdeFunction - A function that evaluates the right side of the differential equations.
    numEquations : int - The number of differential equations.

Modifiers: abstract

Method that initialize the ODE to solve.

function : OdeFunction

A function that evaluates the right side of the differential equations.

numEquations : int

The number of differential equations.


Full Usage: this.InitializeODEs

    function : OdeFunction - A function that evaluates the right side of the differential equations.
    numEquations : int - The number of differential equations.
    t0 : float - The initial value for the independent variable.
    y0 : float[] - A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.

Modifiers: abstract

Method that initialize the ODE to solve.

function : OdeFunction

A function that evaluates the right side of the differential equations.

numEquations : int

The number of differential equations.

t0 : float

The initial value for the independent variable.

y0 : float[]

A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.


Full Usage: this.RelTol

A relative error tolerance parameter.

If ErrorToleranceType = ErrorToleranceEnum.Scalar the estimated local error in Y(i) is controlled to be less than RelTol*Abs(Y[i]) + AbsTol.


Full Usage: this.RelTolArray

A relative error tolerance array ( length numEquations).

If ErrorToleranceType = ErrorToleranceEnum.Array the estimated local error in Y(i) is controlled to be less than RelTolArray[I]*Abs(Y(I))+AbsTolArray[i].


Full Usage: this.SetInitialValues

    t0 : float - The initial value for the independent variable.
    y0 : float[] - A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.

Modifiers: abstract

Sets the initial values for the differential equations.

This method should be invoked before to start the integration. When this method is invoked, the ODE solver is restarted.

t0 : float

The initial value for the independent variable.

y0 : float[]

A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.