Ran055 Type

Ran055: Knuth's shift and add random generator. Returns integer random numbers uniformly distributed within [0,2147483647] DON'T USE THIS GENERATOR IN SERIOUS APPLICATIONS BECAUSE IT HAS SERIOUS CORRELATIONS.

                     - The period is 2^55 = 36 028 797 018 963 968 > 3.6*10^16.
                    - At least 32 bit long int is required, but works with any larger
                 word lengths
                    - This is a lagged Fibonacci generator:
                        x(n) =  ( x(n-55) - x(n-24) ) mod 2^31
                    - Reference:
                      A version of this pseudrandom number generator is described in
                      J. Bentley's column, "The Software Exploratorium", Unix Review 1991.
                      It is based on Algorithm A in D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer-
                      Programming, Vol 2, Section 3.2.2, pp. 172


Constructor Description


Full Usage: Ran055()


Full Usage: Ran055(the_seed)

    the_seed : uint32

the_seed : uint32

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Long

Returns: uint32
Modifiers: abstract

Returns: uint32