NoSpectralCorrection Type

This class does nothing. It is only intended for export, and to hold static methods common to all.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: NoSpectralCorrection()

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Export

    writer : XmlWriter - The writer to export to

Modifiers: abstract

Exports the processing to an xml node.

writer : XmlWriter

The writer to export to


Full Usage: this.Process

    xMatrix : IMatrix<float> - The matrix of spectra. Each spectrum is a row of the matrix.
    xMean : IVector<float> - Output: On return, contains the ensemble mean of the spectra.
    xScale : IVector<float> - Not used.
    regions : int[] - Vector of spectal regions. Each element is the index of the start of a new region.

Modifiers: abstract

Processes the spectra in matrix xMatrix.

xMatrix : IMatrix<float>

The matrix of spectra. Each spectrum is a row of the matrix.

xMean : IVector<float>

Output: On return, contains the ensemble mean of the spectra.

xScale : IVector<float>

Not used.

regions : int[]

Vector of spectal regions. Each element is the index of the start of a new region.


Full Usage: this.ProcessForPrediction

    xMatrix : IMatrix<float> - The matrix of spectra. Each spectrum is a row of the matrix.
    xMean : IReadOnlyList<float> - Output: On return, contains the ensemble mean of the spectra.
    xScale : IReadOnlyList<float> - Not used.
    regions : int[] - Vector of spectal regions. Each element is the index of the start of a new region.

Modifiers: abstract

Processes the spectra in matrix xMatrix.

xMatrix : IMatrix<float>

The matrix of spectra. Each spectrum is a row of the matrix.

xMean : IReadOnlyList<float>

Output: On return, contains the ensemble mean of the spectra.

xScale : IReadOnlyList<float>

Not used.

regions : int[]

Vector of spectal regions. Each element is the index of the start of a new region.

Static members

Static member Description

NoSpectralCorrection.RegionEnd(i, regions, totalNumberOfPoints)

Full Usage: NoSpectralCorrection.RegionEnd(i, regions, totalNumberOfPoints)

    i : int - The number of region whose end index is calculated.
    regions : int[] - The array of region start indices.
    totalNumberOfPoints : int - The total number of points of the spectra.

Returns: int The end index of the region (one above the last element).

Calculates the end index of region i (one above the last element).

i : int

The number of region whose end index is calculated.

regions : int[]

The array of region start indices.

totalNumberOfPoints : int

The total number of points of the spectra.

Returns: int

The end index of the region (one above the last element).

NoSpectralCorrection.RegionStart(i, regions)

Full Usage: NoSpectralCorrection.RegionStart(i, regions)

    i : int - The number of region whose starting index is calculated.
    regions : int[] - The array of region start indices.

Returns: int The starting index of the region.

Calculates the start index of region i.

i : int

The number of region whose starting index is calculated.

regions : int[]

The array of region start indices.

Returns: int

The starting index of the region.