AbstractRootFinder Type


Constructor Description


Full Usage: AbstractRootFinder(f)

    f : Func<float, float> - A continuous function.


f : Func<float, float>

A continuous function.

AbstractRootFinder(function, maxNumberOfIterations, accuracy)

Full Usage: AbstractRootFinder(function, maxNumberOfIterations, accuracy)

    function : Func<float, float>
    maxNumberOfIterations : int
    accuracy : float

function : Func<float, float>
maxNumberOfIterations : int
accuracy : float

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Accuracy


Full Usage: this.BracketingFactor


Full Usage: this.MaximumNumberOfIterations


Full Usage: this.SearchBracketsOutward

    xmin : byref<float> - Lower value of the range.
    xmax : byref<float> - Upper value of the range
    factor : float - The growing factor of research. Usually 1.6.

Returns: bool True if the bracketing operation succeeded, else otherwise.

Detect a range containing at least one root.

This iterative methods stops when two values with opposite signs are found.

xmin : byref<float>

Lower value of the range.

xmax : byref<float>

Upper value of the range

factor : float

The growing factor of research. Usually 1.6.

Returns: bool

True if the bracketing operation succeeded, else otherwise.


Full Usage: this.Solve

    x1 : float - The low value of the range where the root is supposed to be.
    x2 : float - The high value of the range where the root is supposed to be.
    bracket : bool - Determines whether a bracketing operation is required.

Returns: float Returns the root with the specified accuracy.
Modifiers: abstract

Prototype algorithm for solving the equation f(x)==0.

x1 : float

The low value of the range where the root is supposed to be.

x2 : float

The high value of the range where the root is supposed to be.

bracket : bool

Determines whether a bracketing operation is required.

Returns: float

Returns the root with the specified accuracy.


Full Usage: this.Solve

    x1 : float - The lower value of the range where the root is supposed to be.
    x2 : float - The higher value of the range where the root is supposed to be.
    y : float - The function value to find the function's argument for.
    bracket : bool - Determines whether a bracketing operation is required.

Returns: float Returns the root with the specified accuracy.
Modifiers: abstract

Prototype algorithm for solving the equation f(x)==y.

x1 : float

The lower value of the range where the root is supposed to be.

x2 : float

The higher value of the range where the root is supposed to be.

y : float

The function value to find the function's argument for.

bracket : bool

Determines whether a bracketing operation is required.

Returns: float

Returns the root with the specified accuracy.

Static members

Static member Description


Full Usage: AbstractRootFinder.MessageAccuracyNotReached

Returns: string

Returns: string


Full Usage: AbstractRootFinder.MessageInadequateAlgorithm

Returns: string

Returns: string


Full Usage: AbstractRootFinder.MessageInvalidRange

Returns: string

Returns: string


Full Usage: AbstractRootFinder.MessageRangeArgumentInvalid

Returns: string

Returns: string


Full Usage: AbstractRootFinder.MessageRootNotBracketed

Returns: string

Returns: string


Full Usage: AbstractRootFinder.MessageRootNotFound

Returns: string

Returns: string