HelmholtzEquationOfStateOfPureFluidsBySpanEtAl Type

Base class of state equations based on the papers of the group of W.Wagner / Bochum


[1] R. Span and W. Wagner, A New Equation of State for Carbon Dioxide Covering the Fluid Region from the Triple-Point Temperature to 1100 K at Pressures up to 800 MPa, J. Phys. Chern. Ref. Data, Vol. 25, No.6, 1996

[2] W. Wagner and A.Pruß The IAPWS Formulation 1995 for the Thermodynamic Properties of Ordinary Water Substance for General and Scientific Use, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2002


Constructor Description


Full Usage: HelmholtzEquationOfStateOfPureFluidsBySpanEtAl()

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.CASRegistryNumber

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the CAS registry number.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.ChemicalFormula

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

The chemical formula of the fluid.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.DipoleMoment

Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the dipole moment in Debye.

Returns: float


Full Usage: this.FluidFamily

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

The chemical formula of the fluid.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.FullName

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

The full name of the fluid.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.IsMeltingPressureCurveImplemented

Returns: bool

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsSublimationPressureCurveImplemented

Returns: bool

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.LowerTemperatureLimit

Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the lower temperature limit of this model in K.

Returns: float


Full Usage: this.MeltingPressureEstimateAndDerivativeWrtTemperature_FromTemperature

    temperature : float - The temperature in K.

Returns: float * float An estimate of the melting pressure in Pa and the derivative dp/dT in Pa/K. For water, the lowest melting pressure is returned.

Gets an estimate value of the melting pressure and the derivative of the pressure w.r.t. temperature for a given temperature. The estimated value should have an relative accuracy of 5% plus an absolute error of about 100 Pa.

temperature : float

The temperature in K.

Returns: float * float

An estimate of the melting pressure in Pa and the derivative dp/dT in Pa/K. For water, the lowest melting pressure is returned.


Full Usage: this.MeltingPressureEstimate_FromTemperature

    temperature : float

Returns: float

temperature : float
Returns: float


Full Usage: this.MeltingTemperatureEstimate_FromPressure

    pressure : float - The pressure in Pa.
    ?relativeAccuracy : float - The relative accuracy of the pressure back-calculated for the returned temperature.

Returns: float An estimate of the melting temperature. Should have about +-0.5 K accuracy.

Gets an estimate of the melting temperature for a given pressure, using Newton-Raphson iteration.

pressure : float

The pressure in Pa.

?relativeAccuracy : float

The relative accuracy of the pressure back-calculated for the returned temperature.

Returns: float

An estimate of the melting temperature. Should have about +-0.5 K accuracy.


Full Usage: this.Phi0_OfReducedVariables

    delta : float - The delta.
    tau : float - The tau.

Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract

Phi0s the of reduced variables. (Page 1541, Table 28 in [2])

delta : float

The delta.

tau : float

The tau.

Returns: float


Full Usage: this.Phi0_tau_OfReducedVariables

    delta : float - The delta.
    tau : float - The tau.

Returns: float First derivative of Phi0 the of reduced variables with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.
Modifiers: abstract

First derivative of Phi0 the of reduced variables with respect to the inverse reduced temperature. (Page 1541, Table 28)

delta : float

The delta.

tau : float

The tau.

Returns: float

First derivative of Phi0 the of reduced variables with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.


Full Usage: this.Phi0_tautau_OfReducedVariables

    delta : float - The delta.
    tau : float - The tau.

Returns: float Second derivative of Phi0 the of reduced variables with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.
Modifiers: abstract

Second derivative of Phi0 the of reduced variables with respect to the inverse reduced temperature. (Page 1541, Table 28)

delta : float

The delta.

tau : float

The tau.

Returns: float

Second derivative of Phi0 the of reduced variables with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.


Full Usage: this.PhiR_OfReducedVariables

    delta : float - The reduced density = (density / density at the critical point).
    tau : float - The reduced inverse temperature = (temperature at critical point / temperature).

Returns: float The dimensionless Helmholtz energy.
Modifiers: abstract

Calculates the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy in dependence on reduced density and reduced inverse temperature.

delta : float

The reduced density = (density / density at the critical point).

tau : float

The reduced inverse temperature = (temperature at critical point / temperature).

Returns: float

The dimensionless Helmholtz energy.


Full Usage: this.PhiR_delta_OfReducedVariables

    delta : float - The reduced density.
    tau : float - The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float First derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the reduced density.
Modifiers: abstract

Calculates the first derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the reduced density delta.

delta : float

The reduced density.

tau : float

The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float

First derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the reduced density.


Full Usage: this.PhiR_deltadelta_OfReducedVariables

    delta : float - The reduced density.
    tau : float - The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float Second derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the reduced density.
Modifiers: abstract

Calculates the second derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the reduced density delta.

delta : float

The reduced density.

tau : float

The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float

Second derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the reduced density.


Full Usage: this.PhiR_deltatau_OfReducedVariables

    delta : float - The reduced density.
    tau : float - The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float First derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the reduced density delta and the inverse reduced temperature tau.
Modifiers: abstract

Calculates the derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the reduced density delta and the inverse reduced temperature tau.

delta : float

The reduced density.

tau : float

The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float

First derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the reduced density delta and the inverse reduced temperature tau.


Full Usage: this.PhiR_tau_OfReducedVariables

    delta : float - The reduced density.
    tau : float - The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float First derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.
Modifiers: abstract

Calculates the first derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.

delta : float

The reduced density.

tau : float

The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float

First derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.


Full Usage: this.PhiR_tautau_OfReducedVariables

    delta : float - The reduced density.
    tau : float - The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float Second derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.
Modifiers: abstract

Calculates the second derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.

delta : float

The reduced density.

tau : float

The reduced inverse temperature.

Returns: float

Second derivative of the residual part of the dimensionless Helmholtz energy with respect to the inverse reduced temperature.


Full Usage: this.SaturatedLiquidMoleDensityEstimate_FromTemperature

    temperature : float - The temperature in Kelvin.

Returns: float An estimate for the saturated liquid mole density in mol/m³ at the given temperature. If the temperature is outside [TriplePointTemperature, CriticalPointTemperature], double.NaN is returned.
Modifiers: abstract

Gets an estimate for the saturated liquid mole density in dependence on the temperature.

temperature : float

The temperature in Kelvin.

Returns: float

An estimate for the saturated liquid mole density in mol/m³ at the given temperature. If the temperature is outside [TriplePointTemperature, CriticalPointTemperature], double.NaN is returned.


Full Usage: this.SaturatedVaporMoleDensityEstimate_FromTemperature

    temperature : float - The temperature in K.

Returns: float An estimate for the saturated vapor mole density in mol/m³ at the given temperature. If the temperature is outside [TriplePointTemperature, CriticalPointTemperature], double.NaN is returned.
Modifiers: abstract

Gets an estimate for the saturated vapor mole density in dependence on the temperature.

temperature : float

The temperature in K.

Returns: float

An estimate for the saturated vapor mole density in mol/m³ at the given temperature. If the temperature is outside [TriplePointTemperature, CriticalPointTemperature], double.NaN is returned.


Full Usage: this.SaturatedVaporPressureEstimateAndDerivativeWrtTemperature_FromTemperature

    temperature : float - The temperature in Kelvin.

Returns: float * float An estimate for the saturated vapor pressure in Pa and the derivative w.r.t. temperature in Pa/K at the given temperature. If the temperature is outside [TriplePointTemperature, CriticalPointTemperature], (double.NaN, double.NaN) is returned.
Modifiers: abstract

Gets an estimate for the saturated vapor pressure in dependence on the temperature as well as for the derivative of the saturated vapor pressure with respect to the temperature.

temperature : float

The temperature in Kelvin.

Returns: float * float

An estimate for the saturated vapor pressure in Pa and the derivative w.r.t. temperature in Pa/K at the given temperature. If the temperature is outside [TriplePointTemperature, CriticalPointTemperature], (double.NaN, double.NaN) is returned.


Full Usage: this.SaturatedVaporPressureEstimate_FromTemperature

    temperature : float - The temperature in K.

Returns: float An estimate for the saturated vapor pressure in Pa at the given temperature. If the temperature is outside [TriplePointTemperature, CriticalPointTemperature], double.NaN is returned.
Modifiers: abstract

Gets an estimate for the saturated vapor pressure in dependence on the temperature.

temperature : float

The temperature in K.

Returns: float

An estimate for the saturated vapor pressure in Pa at the given temperature. If the temperature is outside [TriplePointTemperature, CriticalPointTemperature], double.NaN is returned.


Full Usage: this.ShortName

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

The short name of the fluid.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.SublimationPressureEstimateAndDerivativeWrtTemperature_FromTemperature

    temperature : float

Returns: float * float

temperature : float
Returns: float * float


Full Usage: this.SublimationPressureEstimate_FromTemperature

    temperature : float

Returns: float

temperature : float
Returns: float


Full Usage: this.SublimationTemperatureEstimate_FromPressure

    pressure : float - The pressure in Pa.
    ?relativeAccuracy : float - The relative accuracy of the pressure back-calculated for the returned temperature.

Returns: float An estimate of the sublimation temperature. Should have about +-1 K accuracy down to TriplePointTemperature/2. For lower temperatures the deviation is higher..

Gets an estimate of the sublimation temperature for a given pressure, using Newton-Raphson iteration.

pressure : float

The pressure in Pa.

?relativeAccuracy : float

The relative accuracy of the pressure back-calculated for the returned temperature.

Returns: float

An estimate of the sublimation temperature. Should have about +-1 K accuracy down to TriplePointTemperature/2. For lower temperatures the deviation is higher..


Full Usage: this.Synonym

Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract

The synonym of the name of the fluid.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.UN_Numbers

Returns: IReadOnlyList<int>
Modifiers: abstract

The UN number of the fluid.

Returns: IReadOnlyList<int>


Full Usage: this.UpperMoleDensityLimit

Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the upper density limit of this model in mol/m³.

Returns: float


Full Usage: this.UpperPressureLimit

Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the upper pressure limit of this model in Pa.

Returns: float


Full Usage: this.UpperTemperatureLimit

Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the upper temperature limit of this model in K.

Returns: float


Full Usage: this.WorkingUniversalGasConstant

Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract

The Universal Gas Constant R at the time the model was developed.

Returns: float