XmlSerializationSurrogateForAttribute Type

Used to point to the target type for which this class provides a serialization surrogate.


Constructor Description

XmlSerializationSurrogateForAttribute(serializationtype, version)

Full Usage: XmlSerializationSurrogateForAttribute(serializationtype, version)

    serializationtype : Type - The type this class provides a surrogate for.
    version : int - The version of the class for which this surrogate is intended.

Constructor. The class this attribute is applied provides a serialization surrogate for the type

, version

serializationtype : Type

The type this class provides a surrogate for.

version : int

The version of the class for which this surrogate is intended.

XmlSerializationSurrogateForAttribute(assembly, typename, version)

Full Usage: XmlSerializationSurrogateForAttribute(assembly, typename, version)

    assembly : string -
    typename : string -
    version : int -

Constructor. Used when the target type is deprecated and no longer available. The class this attribute is applied for is then responsible for deserialization

assembly : string

typename : string

version : int

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.AssemblyName

Returns: string

Returns the assembly name (short form) of the target class type.

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.SerializationType

Returns: Type

Returns the target type for which the class this attribute is applied for is the serialization surrogate.

Returns: Type


Full Usage: this.TypeName

Returns: string

Returns the name of the target type (the full name inclusive namespaces).

Returns: string


Full Usage: this.Version

Returns: int

returns the version of the class, for which the surrogate is intended

Returns: int