Altaxo.Units Namespace

Type Description


Special case of ChangeableRelativeUnit which represents 'percent of some quantity'.


This unit refers to a reference quantity. Since the reference quantity can be changed, instances of this class are not immutable. Example: 'percent of page width': here the page width can change depending on the user defined settings.


Represents a quantity, consisting of a numeric value, the corresponding unit and, optionally, a SI prefix for the unit. Please note that two DimensionfulQuantity instances are considered equal only if (i) the units are equal, (ii) the prefixes are equal, and (iii) the values are equal. If you want to compare the SI values, please compare the DimensionfulQuantity.AsValueInSIUnits values.


Designates a biased unit, i.e. a unit for wich 0 units of that unit is not the same as 0 units of the corresponding SI unit.


Interface to a unit, that is prefixed with an SI prefix. Example: Nanometer (Meter is the unit, Nano is the prefix).


Represents a unit that refers to a reference quantity. Example: 'Percent of page with' is a unit, which refers to the quantity 'page width' (which has the dimension of length). Thus this unit is a combination of a dimensionless unit (in the example: 'percent') and the reference quantity (in the example: 'page width'). This dimension of this unit is equal to the dimension of the reference quantity (i.e. in the above example 'length').


Interface to a list of known SIPrefixes.


Represents an arbitrary unit (SI or any other unit).


Represents a prefixed unit, i.e. a unit together with an SI prefix.


Represents an SI prefix, such as nano, micro, Mega, Giga etc.


Represents a list of known SIPrefixes.


Represents an SI (Système international) unit.


Base class for classes that implement IUnit and are not a SIUnit. Classes that are SI units should derive from SIUnit.



A composite unit as a ratio of two units. Example 'K' as nominator and 's' as denominator units results in temperature rate 'K/s'.


Encapsulates an existing unit, but limits the set of possible prefixes.