This question has been thoroughly answered in technical precision in many places over the internet (Check out Further reading). My aim here is not trying to give a better explanation. Instead, in this blogpost, I want to focus on practicle use cases of computation expressions. So, to answer this question in the context of this blogbost: Computation expressions are a versatile tool to express complex behaviour in a simple syntax. You open a computation expression (CE) with the following syntax:
computation-expression-name {computation-expression-body}
Inside these { }
brackets, an encapsulated environment with its own set of predefined rules exist.
These rules create a behaviour in the background that can be complex or simple, while exposing an easy to grasp language to the user.
An user can also create their own Computation expression builder
with it`s own set of behaviours for every function.
There are around 20 different Members with predefined names a programmer can implement, exposing around 10 different keywords to the user. The full list can be found here.
The possibilities for different computation expressions are basically limitless. As a starting point for programmers new to computation expressions I therefore want to present a few often used ways for creating their own Computation Expression builder.
Bind based computation expressions make especially use of the let!
and the return
Here is an example for an 'async' computation expression, taken from the official F# reference:
let fetchAndDownload url =
// Keyword for starting the async computation expression
async {
let client = new System.Net.WebClient()
// client.AsyncDownloadData returns a value of type Async<byte []>.
// but by using the let! keyword, bound to "data" is actually the unwrapped inner value of type byte [].
let! data = client.AsyncDownloadData url
// This unwrapped value can then conveniently fed into a follow up function.
let processedData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString data
// The computation expression is finished by returning the result string.
// This value is again wrapped in the Async wrapper type, resulting in a return value of type Async<string>.
return processedData
The main idea here is, that you can work on the return values directly, rather than on the values wrapped into the Async type.
All the waiting for the thread to finish, wrapping and unwrapping is done implicitly for you, simply by using the let!
So, let's get started creating our own Computation expression builder. This option builder again can be
type OptionBuilder() =
// Return method wraps the final return value in an option
member this.Return(value : 'T) : 'T Option =
printfn $"Return {value}"
Some value
// Bind method contains logic for unwrapping the option value and expects an expression that has an option as an return value
member this.Bind(wrappedValue : 'T option, f : 'T -> 'T option) : 'T option =
printfn $"Bind {wrappedValue}"
match wrappedValue with
| Some unwrappedValue ->
f unwrappedValue
| None -> None
// For easier initialization of the computation expression
let option = OptionBuilder()
This is an very easy implementation that can be used to work on optional values in an easy way.
Inside the initialized computation expression, the Return
method can be called by using the return
keyword. The Bind
method can be called by using the let!
let addOptions aO bO cO =
option {
let! a = aO
let! b = bO
let! c = cO
return (a + b + c)
addOptions (Some 5) (Some 4) (Some 10)
//Bind Some(5)
//Bind Some(4)
//Bind Some(10)
//Return 19
//val it : int option = Some 19
addOptions (Some 5) None (Some 10)
//Bind Some(5)
//val it : int option = None
(1,16): error CS1002: ; expected (1,22): error CS1002: ; expected (2,12): error CS1002: ; expected (3,14): error CS1002: ; expected (3,20): error CS1002: ; expected (4,14): error CS1002: ; expected (4,20): error CS1002: ; expected (5,14): error CS1002: ; expected (5,20): error CS1002: ; expected (6,27): error CS1002: ; expected (8,18): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected (8,27): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected (8,36): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected (8,39): error CS1002: ; expected (14,18): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected (14,21): error CS1002: ; expected (14,32): error CS1003: Syntax error, ',' expected
As expected, in the first case, the Bind
method gets called 3 times
, and the resulting value is 19.
In the second case, the resulting None
was also expected. What is interesting to notice here,
is that the Bind
method gets called only two times.
This can actually be a great feature, as in cases like these, you don't want the program to continue executing when something doesn't work out.
This is especially the case, when each computation is time intensive.
A good explanation for why this happens can be found here
Yield based computation expressions make especially use of the yield
, yield!
and for
The main aim here is usually collecting values and returning some kind of collection.
Here is an example for a seq
computation expression:
seq {
// Implicit yielding of single values
// Explicit yielding of a collection
yield! [4;5;6]
|> Seq.toList
index | value |
0 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
3 | 4 |
4 | 5 |
5 | 6 |
The basic structure of operations performed in the seq computation expression can be seen in the following picture. Each value get's yielded seperately and then combined step by step into a single sequence.
So let's build our own bare minimum list builder:
type ListBuilder() =
/// This will be exposed to the user as `yield`
member this.Yield(v : 'T) =
printfn $"Yield {v}"
/// This will combine the yielded values in the background
member this.Combine(v1 : 'T list, v2 : 'T list) =
printfn $"Combine {v1} with {v2}"
v1 @ v2
/// This method is needed. It can be used to lazily evaluate the operations in the CE. Instead here, we just directly execute the given function.
member this.Delay(f : unit -> 'T) =
printfn $"Delay"
let res = f()
printfn $"Delay result: {res}"
// For easier initialization of the computation expression
let list = ListBuilder()
So let's test it out
list {
//Yield 1
//Yield 2
//Yield 3
//Delay result: [3]
//Combine [2] with [3]
//Delay result: [2; 3]
//Combine [1] with [2; 3]
//Delay result: [1; 2; 3]
//val it : int list = [1; 2; 3]
Delay Yield 1 Delay Yield 2 Delay Yield 3 Delay result: [3] Combine [2] with [3] Delay result: [2; 3] Combine [1] with [2; 3] Delay result: [1; 2; 3]
index | value |
0 | 1 |
1 | 2 |
2 | 3 |
Something to note here is that the yielding
takes place from top to bottom
, while the combining
is actually done from bottom to top
Of course in many cases you don't only want to yield single values but also expect more complex programming constructs to be usable. In the following is shown an extended version of the previously implemented list builder:
type ExtendedListBuilder() =
/// This will be exposed to the user as `yield`
member this.Yield(v : 'T) =
printfn $"Yield {v}"
/// This will combine the yielded values in the background
member this.Combine(v1 : 'T list, v2 : 'T list) =
printfn $"Combine {v1} with {v2}"
v1 @ v2
/// This method is needed. It can be used to lazily evaluate the operations in the CE. Instead here, we just directly execute the given function.
member this.Delay(f : unit -> 'T) =
printfn $"Delay"
let res = f()
printfn $"Delay result: {res}"
/// Is called in empty else branches
member this.Zero() =
printfn "Zero"
/// Allows for using for loops in the computation expression
member this.For(vs : 'U seq, f : 'U -> 'T list) =
printfn $"For"
|> Seq.collect f
|> Seq.toList
/// This will allow for using the yield! method
member this.YieldFrom(vs : 'T list) =
printfn $"YieldFrom {vs}"
// For easier initialization of the computation expression
let extList = ExtendedListBuilder()
Again let's test it out.
extList {
for i in [3;4] do
yield! [5;6]
if true then 7
//Yield 1
//Yield 2
//Yield 3
//Yield 4
//YieldFrom [5; 6]
//Yield 7
//Delay result: [7]
//Combine [5; 6] with [7]
//Delay result: [5; 6; 7]
//Combine [3; 4] with [5; 6; 7]
//Delay result: [3; 4; 5; ... ]
//Combine [2] with [3; 4; 5; ... ]
//Delay result: [2; 3; 4; ... ]
//Combine [1] with [2; 3; 4; ... ]
//Delay result: [1; 2; 3; ... ]
//val it : int list = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7]
One important thing to note here: The values returned in the for
expression actually get yielded
by the Yield
In the case of yield!
, only the YieldFrom
method gets called. This means, that the input of type 'U
in the For
method is actually already a yielded value.
Another thing you can do is to add a Run
method. This method will be executed at the end of the Computation expression.
We can also combine this with the ability of the Computation expression to store a state in itself. By this we can control what exactly Run will do:
/// Used to specify which mathematical operation should be applied on the float list to reduce it
type MathOperation =
| Sum
| Multiply
| Custom of (float list -> float)
/// Apply the given operation on the float list, resulting in a single float
member this.Apply(vals : float list) =
match this with
| Sum -> vals |> List.sum
| Multiply -> vals |> List.reduce (fun a b -> a * b)
| Custom operation -> operation vals
type MathBuilder() =
// Mutable math operation state, default value is Sum
let mutable operation = Sum
/// When the user yields a value of type MathOperation, this will not be added to the list of values but overwrite the state of the operation variable
member this.Yield(newOperation : MathOperation) =
operation <- newOperation
/// User can yield ints
member this.Yield(v : int) =
printfn $"Yield {v}"
[float v]
/// User can yield floats
member this.Yield(v : float) =
printfn $"Yield {v}"
/// This will combine the yielded values in the background
member this.Combine(v1 : float list, v2 : float list) =
printfn $"Combine {v1} with {v2}"
v1 @ v2
/// This method is needed. It can be used to lazily evaluate the operations in the CE. Instead here, we just directly execute the given function.
member this.Delay(f : unit -> 'T) =
printfn $"Delay"
let res = f()
printfn $"Delay result: {res}"
/// Is called in empty else branches
member this.Zero() =
printfn "Zero"
/// Allows for using for loops in the computation expression
member this.For(vs : 'U seq, f : 'U -> float list) =
printfn $"For"
|> Seq.collect f
|> Seq.toList
/// This will allow for using the yield! method
member this.YieldFrom(vs : 'T list) =
printfn $"YieldFrom {vs}"
/// This will run the operation on the final float list, returning a single float as output of the compuation expression.
member this.Run(vs : float list) =
printfn $"Run {vs}"
operation.Apply vs
// For easier initialization of the computation expression
let math = MathBuilder()
So let's test this out
math {
// Results in 6
let factorial x =
math {
for i = 1 to x do
factorial 4
//Yield 1
//Yield 2
//Yield 3
//Yield 4
//Delay result: [1; 2; 3; ... ]
//Combine [] with [1; 2; 3; ... ]
//Delay result: [1; 2; 3; ... ]
//Run [1; 2; 3; ... ]
//val it : float = 24.0
As you can see this approach can be used to further tune the Computation expression in a very generic way.
Besides the basic keywords shared between all computation expressions, one can also define their own keywords by using the CustomOperation
Methods with this
type Cake =
Size : int
Filling : string
PackagedAsPresent: bool
static member Default =
Size = 30
Filling = "Strawberry"
PackagedAsPresent = false
type CakeBuilder() =
member x.Yield (()) = Cake.Default
member x.Zero () = Cake.Default
member x.Size (cake : Cake, i: int) =
{cake with Size = i}
member x.Filling (cake : Cake, s: string) =
{cake with Filling = s}
member x.PackageAsPresent (cake : Cake) =
{cake with PackagedAsPresent = true}
let cake = CakeBuilder()
Let's bake some cakes
cake {
//val it : Cake = { Size = 30
// Filling = "Strawberry"
// PackagedAsPresent = false }
cake {
size 1800
filling "Irish coffee cream"
//val it : Cake = { Size = 1800
// Filling = "Irish coffee cream"
// PackagedAsPresent = true }
For a good example of this kind of computation expression check out [Saturn](
## Further reading
- [Basic introduction](
- [In depth introduction](
- [Official reference](
- [Good video for practical introduction](