Creating a Graph

The graph creation in ArrayAdjacencyGraph can be achived via two differnet approaches.
The easiest method is relies on a vertex list and an edge list like this :

#r "FSharp.FGL"
#r "FSharp.FGL.ArrayAdjacencyGraph"

open FSharp.FGL
open FSharp.FGL.ArrayAdjacencyGraph

//Creating a list of labeled vertices
let vertexList : LVertex<int,string> list = 
    List.init 4 (fun i -> 
    sprintf "VertexNr. %i" i)

//Creating a list of labeled edges
let edgeList : LEdge<int,float> list = 

//Creating a graph out of the two lists 
let myGraph : ArrayAdjacencyGraph<int,string,float> =
    ArrayAdjacencyGraph.Graph.create vertexList edgeList

The object oriented approach for this would look like this:

//Creating a graph out of the two lists 
let myGraph' : ArrayAdjacencyGraph<int,string,float> =

Alternatively, an empty graph can be created and filled with vertices and edges after its creation.
//Creating an array of the labeled vertices
let vertexArray : LVertex<int,string> [] = 
    |> Array.ofList

//Creating an array of the labeled edges
let edgeArray : LEdge<int,float> [] = 
    |> Array.ofList

//Creating an empty graph and filling it afterwards
let myGraph'' : ArrayAdjacencyGraph<int,string,float> =
    ArrayAdjacencyGraph.Graph.create [] []
    |> Vertices.addMany vertexArray
    |> Edges.addMany edgeArray

Again, the object oriented approach would look like this:

//Creating an empty graph and filling it afterwards
let myGraph''' : ArrayAdjacencyGraph<int,string,float> =
    //Create a new, empty graph
    let emptyGraph = ArrayAdjacencyGraph()
    //Add an array of vertices with the AddManyVertices method
    //Add an array of edges with the AddManyEdges method
    //Return the graph

Adding/Removing Vertices and Edges

The AddManyVertices and AddManyEdges, as well as their single counterparts AddVertex and AddEdge can be used at all times, allowing an easy modification of the graph.
Adding a vertex and an edge works like this:

//New Vertex
let newVertex : LVertex<int,string> = 

//Edge to new Vertex
let newEdge : LEdge<int,float> =

//Add newVertex to myGraph
|> Vertices.add newVertex

//Add newEdge to myGraph
|> Edges.add newEdge

Or alternatively:

//Add newVertex to myGraph

//Add newEdge to myGraph

Removing vertices and edges is also very easy. If you remove a vertex from the Graph all edges featuring this vertex are also removed. The removal of edges themself is simple as well.
//Remove an edge from myGraph
|> Edges.remove(1,2,1.)

//Remove a vertex from myGraph
|> Vertices.remove(123)

Or respectively :

//Remove an edge from myGraph

//Remove a vertex from myGraph
Multiple items
Namespace FSharp

Namespace Microsoft.FSharp
Namespace FSharp.FGL
Namespace FSharp.FGL.ArrayAdjacencyGraph
val vertexList : LVertex<int,string> list
type LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> = 'Vertex * 'Label
Multiple items
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)

type int = int32

type int<'Measure> =
Multiple items
val string : value:'T -> string

type string = System.String
type 'T list = List<'T>
Multiple items
Modul List

aus Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

type List<'T> =
  | ( [] )
  | ( :: ) of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list
    interface IReadOnlyList<'T>
    interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T>
    interface IEnumerable
    interface IEnumerable<'T>
    member GetReverseIndex : rank:int * offset:int -> int
    member GetSlice : startIndex:int option * endIndex:int option -> 'T list
    static member Cons : head:'T * tail:'T list -> 'T list
    member Head : 'T
    member IsEmpty : bool
    member Item : index:int -> 'T with get
val init : length:int -> initializer:(int -> 'T) -> 'T list
val i : int
val sprintf : format:Printf.StringFormat<'T> -> 'T
val edgeList : LEdge<int,float> list
type LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> = 'Vertex * 'Vertex * 'Edge
Multiple items
val float : value:'T -> float (requires member op_Explicit)

type float = System.Double

type float<'Measure> =
val myGraph : ArrayAdjacencyGraph<int,string,float>
Multiple items
Namespace FSharp.FGL.ArrayAdjacencyGraph

Namespace ArrayAdjacencyGraph

type ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge (requires equality and equality)> =
  private new : vertexEdges:Dictionary<'Vertex,LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> []> * labels:Dictionary<'Vertex,'Label> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> + 2 Überladungen
  member AddEdge : LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
  member AddManyEdges : edgeArray:seq<LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge>> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
  member AddManyVertices : vertices:LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> [] -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
  member AddVertex : LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
  member private AdjacencyGraph : unit -> Dictionary<'Vertex,LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> []>
  member ConnectedEdgesEmpty : v:'Vertex -> bool
  member ContainsEdge : edge:LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> -> bool
  member ContainsVertex : vertex:'Vertex -> bool
  member Copy : unit -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>

new : unit -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
new : vertices:LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> list * edges:LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> list -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
Modul Graph

aus FSharp.FGL.ArrayAdjacencyGraph
val create : vertexList:LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> list -> edgeList:LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> list -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires equality and equality)
val myGraph' : ArrayAdjacencyGraph<int,string,float>
val vertexArray : LVertex<int,string> []
Modul Array

aus Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
val ofList : list:'T list -> 'T []
val edgeArray : LEdge<int,float> []
val myGraph'' : ArrayAdjacencyGraph<int,string,float>
Multiple items
Modul Vertices

aus FSharp.FGL.ArrayAdjacencyGraph

Modul Vertices

aus FSharp.FGL
Multiple items
val addMany : vertices:LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> [] -> graph:ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires equality and equality)

val addMany : vertices:LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> list -> g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires comparison)
Modul Edges

aus FSharp.FGL.ArrayAdjacencyGraph
val addMany : edgeArray:seq<LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge>> -> graph:ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires equality and equality)
val myGraph''' : ArrayAdjacencyGraph<int,string,float>
val emptyGraph : ArrayAdjacencyGraph<int,string,float>
member ArrayAdjacencyGraph.AddManyVertices : vertices:LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> [] -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
member ArrayAdjacencyGraph.AddManyEdges : edgeArray:seq<LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge>> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
val newVertex : LVertex<int,string>
val newEdge : LEdge<int,float>
Multiple items
val add : 'Vertex * 'Label -> graph:ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires equality and equality)

val add : 'Vertex * 'Label -> g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires comparison)
val add : 'Vertex * 'Vertex * 'Edge -> graph:ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires equality and equality)
member ArrayAdjacencyGraph.AddVertex : LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
member ArrayAdjacencyGraph.AddEdge : LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
val remove : 'Vertex * 'Vertex * 'Edge -> graph:ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires equality and equality)
Multiple items
val remove : v:'Vertex -> graph:ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires equality and equality)

val remove : v:'Vertex -> g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires comparison)
member ArrayAdjacencyGraph.RemoveEdge : LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>
member ArrayAdjacencyGraph.RemoveVertex : v:'Vertex -> ArrayAdjacencyGraph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>