Streaming a graph to gephi
First of all, you need to enable the master server of the graph streaming plugin in gephi (using default settings):
The next step is the creation of a workspace in Gephi. If you name it other than the default name (Workspace 1), make sure you adjust the streamer environment as shown here
Given the following node/edge types and converters introduced in the Grammar
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32: |
There are several ways to stream data to gephi:
Adding nodes & edges with node converters
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: |
Adding nodes & edges with simple id mapping
When no specific attribute conversion is needed, the addBy
functions only need a simple Id mapping:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: |
Update nodes & edges
The update functions are pretty similar to the Streamer.addNode
functions. Note that you can use another converter to update all exisiting nodes in the gephi graph.
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: |
Removing nodes & edges
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: |
namespace FSharpGephiStreamer
type MyNode =
{Id: int;
Label: string;
Size: float;
Data: string;}
Record type that represents a custom node
{Id: int;
Label: string;
Size: float;
Data: string;}
Record type that represents a custom node
MyNode.Id: int
Multiple items
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
type int = int32
type int<'Measure> = int
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
type int = int32
type int<'Measure> = int
MyNode.Label: string
Multiple items
val string : value:'T -> string
type string = System.String
val string : value:'T -> string
type string = System.String
MyNode.Size: float
Multiple items
val float : value:'T -> float (requires member op_Explicit)
type float = System.Double
type float<'Measure> = float
val float : value:'T -> float (requires member op_Explicit)
type float = System.Double
type float<'Measure> = float
Multiple items
MyNode.Data: string
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
MyNode.Data: string
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Data
type MyEdge =
{Id: int;
Source: int;
Target: int;
Weight: float;}
Record type that represents a custom edge
{Id: int;
Source: int;
Target: int;
Weight: float;}
Record type that represents a custom edge
MyEdge.Id: int
MyEdge.Source: int
MyEdge.Target: int
MyEdge.Weight: float
val nodeConverter : node:MyNode -> Grammar.Attribute list
converts a MyNode type to a list of grammar attributes
converts a MyNode type to a list of grammar attributes
val node : MyNode
module Grammar
from FSharpGephiStreamer
from FSharpGephiStreamer
type Attribute =
| Size of float
| Color of Color
| EdgeType of EdgeDirection
| PositionX of float
| PositionY of float
| PositionZ of float
| Label of string
| LabelSize of float
| LabelColor of Color
| LabelVisible of bool
| Size of float
| Color of Color
| EdgeType of EdgeDirection
| PositionX of float
| PositionY of float
| PositionZ of float
| Label of string
| LabelSize of float
| LabelColor of Color
| LabelVisible of bool
union case Grammar.Attribute.Label: string -> Grammar.Attribute
union case Grammar.Attribute.Size: float -> Grammar.Attribute
union case Grammar.Attribute.Color: Colors.Color -> Grammar.Attribute
module Colors
from FSharpGephiStreamer
from FSharpGephiStreamer
module Table
from FSharpGephiStreamer.Colors
from FSharpGephiStreamer.Colors
module StatisticalGraphics24
from FSharpGephiStreamer.Colors.Table
from FSharpGephiStreamer.Colors.Table
val getRandomColor : unit -> Colors.Color
union case Grammar.Attribute.UserDef: string * obj -> Grammar.Attribute
MyNode.Data: string
val edgeConverter : edge:MyEdge -> Grammar.Attribute list
converts a MyEdge type to a list of grammar attributes
converts a MyEdge type to a list of grammar attributes
val edge : MyEdge
union case Grammar.Attribute.EdgeType: Grammar.EdgeDirection -> Grammar.Attribute
type EdgeDirection =
| Directed
| Undirected
static member convert : (EdgeDirection -> bool)
| Directed
| Undirected
static member convert : (EdgeDirection -> bool)
union case Grammar.EdgeDirection.Undirected: Grammar.EdgeDirection
module Office
from FSharpGephiStreamer.Colors.Table
from FSharpGephiStreamer.Colors.Table
val grey : Colors.Color
val addMyNode : node:MyNode -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>
Adds a node of type MyNode using the node converter to the gephi graph
Adds a node of type MyNode using the node converter to the gephi graph
module Streamer
from FSharpGephiStreamer
from FSharpGephiStreamer
val addNode : nodeConverter:Streamer.NodeConverter<'node> -> nodeId:obj -> ('node -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>)
val addMyEdge : edge:MyEdge -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>
Adds an edge of type MyEdge using the edge converter to the gephi graph
Adds an edge of type MyEdge using the edge converter to the gephi graph
val addEdge : edgeConverter:Streamer.EdgeConverter<'edge> -> edgeId:obj -> sourceId:obj -> targetId:obj -> ('edge -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>)
val addNodeBy : f:('node -> string) -> ('node -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>)
val addEdgeBy : f:('edge -> string * string * string) -> ('edge -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>)
val updateMyNode : node:MyNode -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>
Updates a node of type MyNode using the node converter to the gephi graph.
Updates a node of type MyNode using the node converter to the gephi graph.
val updateNode : nodeConverter:Streamer.NodeConverter<'node> -> nodeId:obj -> ('node -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>)
val updateMyEdge : edge:MyEdge -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>
val updateEdge : edgeConverter:Streamer.EdgeConverter<'edge> -> edgeId:obj -> sourceId:obj -> targetId:obj -> ('edge -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>)
val removeMyNode : node:MyNode -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>
Removes a node of type MyNode given a mapping from node type to an ID from the gephi graph
Removes a node of type MyNode given a mapping from node type to an ID from the gephi graph
val removeNode : nodeId:obj -> ('node -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>)
val removeMyEdge : edge:MyEdge -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>
Removes an edge of type MyEdge given a mapping from edge type to an ID from the gephi graph
Removes an edge of type MyEdge given a mapping from edge type to an ID from the gephi graph
val removeEdge : edgeId:obj -> ('edge -> Either<string,RestfulAux.Error>)