ComplexFloat Type

A single-precision complex number representation.


Constructor Description

ComplexFloat(real, imaginary)

Full Usage: ComplexFloat(real, imaginary)

    real : float32 -
    imaginary : float32 -

Create a complex number from a real and an imaginary component

real : float32

imaginary : float32


Full Usage: ComplexFloat(c)


Create a complex number based on an existing complex number

c : ComplexFloat


Full Usage: ComplexFloat(s)

    s : string - The string to create the ComplexFloat from.

Created a ComplexFloat from the given string. The string can be in the following formats: n, ni, n +/- ni, n,n, n,ni, (n,n), or (n,ni), where n is a real number.

s : string

The string to create the ComplexFloat from.

FormatException if the n, is not a number.
ArgumentNullException if s, is null.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Clone

Returns: ComplexFloat

Clone the complex number

Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: this.CompareTo

    o : obj -

Returns: int
Modifiers: abstract

Compare to other complex numbers or real numbers

o : obj

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.Equals

    obj : Complex - obj to compare present ComplexFloat to.

Returns: bool Returns true if the variable is the same as the ComplexFloat variable

Check if ComplexFloat variable is the same as another object

The obj parameter is converted into a ComplexFloat variable before comparing with the current ComplexFloat.

obj : Complex

obj to compare present ComplexFloat to.

Returns: bool

Returns true if the variable is the same as the ComplexFloat variable


Full Usage: this.Equals

    obj : ComplexFloat - obj to compare present ComplexFloat to.

Returns: bool Returns true if the variable is the same as the ComplexFloat variable

Check if ComplexFloat variable is the same as another object

The obj parameter is converted into a ComplexFloat variable before comparing with the current ComplexFloat.

obj : ComplexFloat

obj to compare present ComplexFloat to.

Returns: bool

Returns true if the variable is the same as the ComplexFloat variable


Full Usage: this.Equals

    obj : obj - obj to compare present ComplexFloat to.

Returns: bool Returns true if the variable is the same as the ComplexFloat variable
Modifiers: abstract

Check if ComplexFloat variable is the same as another object

The obj parameter is converted into a ComplexFloat variable before comparing with the current ComplexFloat.

obj : obj

obj to compare present ComplexFloat to.

Returns: bool

Returns true if the variable is the same as the ComplexFloat variable


Full Usage: this.GetArgument

Returns: float32

The argument (radians) of the complex number

Returns: float32


Full Usage: this.GetConjugate

Returns: ComplexFloat

Get the conjugate of the complex number

Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: this.GetHashCode

Returns: int
Modifiers: abstract

Get the hash code of the complex number

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.GetModulus

Returns: float32

The modulus (length) of the complex number

Returns: float32


Full Usage: this.GetModulusSquared

Returns: float32

The squared modulus (length^2) of the complex number

Returns: float32


Full Usage: this.Imag

The imaginary component of the complex number


Full Usage: this.IsInfinity

Returns: bool True if either the real or imaginary components are infinite, false otherwise.

Tests whether the the complex number is infinite.

Returns: bool

True if either the real or imaginary components are infinite, false otherwise.


Full Usage: this.IsNaN

Returns: bool True if either the real or imaginary components are NaN, false otherwise.

Tests whether the the complex number is not a number.

Returns: bool

True if either the real or imaginary components are NaN, false otherwise.


Full Usage: this.Normalize

Scale the complex number to 1.


Full Usage: this.Real

The real component of the complex number


Full Usage: this.ToString

Returns: string The string representation of the value of this instance.
Modifiers: abstract

A string representation of this ComplexFloat.

Returns: string

The string representation of the value of this instance.


Full Usage: this.ToString

    format : string - A format specification.

Returns: string The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by format.

A string representation of this ComplexFloat.

format : string

A format specification.

Returns: string

The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by format.


Full Usage: this.ToString

    formatProvider : IFormatProvider - An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

Returns: string The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by provider.

A string representation of this ComplexFloat.

formatProvider : IFormatProvider

An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

Returns: string

The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by provider.


Full Usage: this.ToString

    format : string - A format specification.
    formatProvider : IFormatProvider - An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

Returns: string The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by format and provider.

A string representation of this ComplexFloat.

format : string

A format specification.

formatProvider : IFormatProvider

An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

Returns: string

The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by format and provider.

FormatException if the n, is not a number.
ArgumentNullException if s, is null.

Static members

Static member Description

a * f

Full Usage: a * f

Returns: ComplexFloat

Multiply a complex number by a real

a : ComplexFloat

f : float32

Returns: ComplexFloat

f * a

Full Usage: f * a

Returns: ComplexFloat

Multiply a real by a complex number

f : float32

a : ComplexFloat

Returns: ComplexFloat

a * b

Full Usage: a * b

Returns: ComplexFloat

Multiply two complex numbers together

a : ComplexFloat

b : ComplexFloat

Returns: ComplexFloat

a + f

Full Usage: a + f

Returns: ComplexFloat

Add a complex number to a real

a : ComplexFloat

f : float32

Returns: ComplexFloat

f + a

Full Usage: f + a

Returns: ComplexFloat

Add a real to a complex number

f : float32

a : ComplexFloat

Returns: ComplexFloat

a + b

Full Usage: a + b

Returns: ComplexFloat

Add to complex numbers

a : ComplexFloat

b : ComplexFloat

Returns: ComplexFloat

a - f

Full Usage: a - f

Returns: ComplexFloat

Subtract a real from a complex number

a : ComplexFloat

f : float32

Returns: ComplexFloat

f - a

Full Usage: f - a

Returns: ComplexFloat

Subtract a complex number from a real

f : float32

a : ComplexFloat

Returns: ComplexFloat

a - b

Full Usage: a - b

Returns: ComplexFloat

Subtract two complex numbers

a : ComplexFloat

b : ComplexFloat

Returns: ComplexFloat

a / f

Full Usage: a / f

Returns: ComplexFloat

Divide a complex number by a real number

a : ComplexFloat

f : float32

Returns: ComplexFloat

a / b

Full Usage: a / b

Returns: ComplexFloat

Divide a complex number by a complex number

a : ComplexFloat

b : ComplexFloat

Returns: ComplexFloat

a <> b

Full Usage: a <> b

Returns: bool

Are these two complex numbers different?

a : ComplexFloat

b : ComplexFloat

Returns: bool

a = b

Full Usage: a = b

Returns: bool

Are these two complex numbers equivalent?

a : ComplexFloat

b : ComplexFloat

Returns: bool


Full Usage: ~+a

Returns: ComplexFloat

This operator doesn't do much. :-)

a : ComplexFloat

Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: ~-a

Returns: ComplexFloat

Negate the complex number

a : ComplexFloat

Returns: ComplexFloat

ComplexFloat.FromModulusArgument(modulus, argument)

Full Usage: ComplexFloat.FromModulusArgument(modulus, argument)

    modulus : float32 -
    argument : float32 -

Returns: ComplexFloat

Create a complex number from a modulus (length) and an argument (radian)

modulus : float32

argument : float32

Returns: ComplexFloat

ComplexFloat.FromRealImaginary(real, imaginary)

Full Usage: ComplexFloat.FromRealImaginary(real, imaginary)

    real : float32 -
    imaginary : float32 -

Returns: ComplexFloat

Create a complex number from a real and an imaginary component

real : float32

imaginary : float32

Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: ComplexFloat.I

Returns: ComplexFloat

Represents the result of sqrt( -1 )

Returns: ComplexFloat

ComplexFloat.IsEqual(a, b, tolerance)

Full Usage: ComplexFloat.IsEqual(a, b, tolerance)

Returns: bool

Determine whether two complex numbers are almost (i.e. within the tolerance) equivalent.

a : ComplexFloat

b : ComplexFloat

tolerance : float32

Returns: bool


Full Usage: ComplexFloat.MaxValue

Returns: ComplexFloat

Represents the largest possible value of ComplexFloat.

Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: ComplexFloat.MinValue

Returns: ComplexFloat

Represents the smallest possible value of ComplexFloat.

Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: ComplexFloat.One

Returns: ComplexFloat

Represents one

Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: ComplexFloat.Parse(s)

    s : string - the string to parse.

Returns: ComplexFloat

Creates a ComplexFloat based on a string. The string can be in the following formats: n, ni, n +/- ni, n,n, n,ni, (n,n), or (n,ni), where n is a real number.

s : string

the string to parse.

Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: ComplexFloat.Zero

Returns: ComplexFloat

Represents zero

Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: op_Explicitc

Returns: ComplexFloat

c : Complex
Returns: ComplexFloat


Full Usage: op_Explicitc

Returns: float32

c : ComplexFloat
Returns: float32


Full Usage: op_Implicitf

    f : float32

Returns: ComplexFloat

f : float32
Returns: ComplexFloat