IFitFunctionPeak Type

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.GetInitialParametersFromHeightPositionAndWidthAtRelativeHeight

    height : float - The height of the peak (height of the maximum).
    position : float - The position of the peak.
    width : float - The width of the peak, measured at the provided relative height.
    relativeHeight : float - Relative height value (0,1), at which the width was measured.

Returns: float[] The initial parameters for one term (peak).
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the initial parameters for one term (peak) by providing the height of the peak, the position of the peak, the width of the peak, and the relative height at which the width was measured.

height : float

The height of the peak (height of the maximum).

position : float

The position of the peak.

width : float

The width of the peak, measured at the provided relative height.

relativeHeight : float

Relative height value (0,1), at which the width was measured.

Returns: float[]

The initial parameters for one term (peak).


Full Usage: this.GetPositionAreaHeightFWHMFromSinglePeakParameters

    parameters : float[] - The parameters.

Returns: float * float * float * float The position, the area under the peak, the height, and the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM).
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the position, the area under the peak, the height, and the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) from the parameters of a single peak.

parameters : float[]

The parameters.

Returns: float * float * float * float

The position, the area under the peak, the height, and the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM).


Full Usage: this.GetPositionAreaHeightFwhmFromSinglePeakParameters

    parameters : float[] - The parameters.
    cv : IROMatrix<float> - The covariance matrix. Can be null (in this case the returned variance values are zero).

Returns: float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float The position, the area under the peak, the height, and the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM), together with their variances.
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the position, the area under the peak, the height, and the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) from the parameters of a single peak. If the covariance matrix is given, then also the variances of position, area, height, FWHM are calculated (otherwise, zero values are returned for the variances).

parameters : float[]

The parameters.

cv : IROMatrix<float>

The covariance matrix. Can be null (in this case the returned variance values are zero).

Returns: float * float * float * float * float * float * float * float

The position, the area under the peak, the height, and the Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM), together with their variances.


Full Usage: this.ParameterNamesForOnePeak

Returns: string[]
Modifiers: abstract

Gets the parameter names for one peak.

Returns: string[]


Full Usage: this.WithNumberOfTerms

    numberOfTerms : int - The number of terms.

Returns: IFitFunctionPeak New fit function with the provided number of terms (peaks).
Modifiers: abstract

Creates a new fit function with the provided number of terms (peaks).

numberOfTerms : int

The number of terms.

Returns: IFitFunctionPeak

New fit function with the provided number of terms (peaks).