IInterpolationCurve Type

Represents an interpolation curve. The curve is parametrized using a parameter u. Because of the parametrization, it is possible that for some x values there can exist more than one corresponding y values.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.GetXOfU

    u : float - The parameter.

Returns: float The y value at the given value of u.
Modifiers: abstract

Returns a x value in dependence of a parameter u.

u : float

The parameter.

Returns: float

The y value at the given value of u.


Full Usage: this.GetYOfU

    u : float - The parameter.

Returns: float The y value at the given value of u.
Modifiers: abstract

Returns a y value in dependence of a parameter u.

u : float

The parameter.

Returns: float

The y value at the given value of u.


Full Usage: this.Interpolate

Modifiers: abstract

Sets the interpolation data by providing values for x and y. Both vectors must be of equal length.

xvec : IReadOnlyList<float>

Vector of x (independent) data.

yvec : IReadOnlyList<float>

Vector of y (dependent) data.