This kind of generalized splines give much more pleasent results than cubic splines when interpolating, e.g., experimental data. A control parameter p can be used to tune the interpolation smoothly between cubic splines and a linear interpolation. But this doesn't mean smoothing of the data - the rational spline curve will still go through all data points.
The basis functions for rational cubic splines are g1 = u g2 = t with t = (x - x(i)) / (x(i+1) - x(i)) g3 = u^3 / (p*t + 1) u = 1 - t g4 = t^3 / (p*u + 1) A rational spline with coefficients a(i),b(i),c(i),d(i) is determined by f(i)(x) = a(i)*g1 + b(i)*g2 + c(i)*g3 + d(i)*g4 Choosing the smoothing parameter p: ----------------------------------- Use the method void MpRationalCubicSpline::SetSmoothing (double smoothing) to set the value of the smoothing paramenter. A value of p = 0 for the smoothing parameter results in a standard cubic spline. A value of p with -1 < p < 0 results in "unsmoothing" that means overshooting oscillations. A value of p with p > 0 gives increasing smoothness. p to infinity results in a linear interpolation. A value smaller or equal to -1.0 leads to an error. Choosing the boundary conditions: --------------------------------- Use the method void MpRationalCubicSpline::SetBoundaryConditions (int boundary, double b1, double b2) to set the boundary conditions. The following values are possible: Natural natural boundaries, that means the 2nd derivatives are zero at both boundaries. This is the default value. FiniteDifferences use finite difference approximation for 1st derivatives. Supply1stDerivative user supplied values for 1st derivatives are given in b1 and b2 i.e. f'(x_lo) in b1 f'(x_hi) in b2 Supply2ndDerivative user supplied values for 2nd derivatives are given in b1 and b2 i.e. f''(x_lo) in b1 f''(x_hi) in b2 Periodic periodic boundary conditions for periodic curves or functions. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED IN THIS VERSION. If the parameters b1,b2 are omitted the default value is 0.0. Input parameters: ----------------- Vector x(lo,hi) The abscissa vector Vector y(lo,hi) The ordinata vector If the spline is not parametric then the abscissa must be strictly monotone increasing or decreasing! References: ----------- Dr.rer.nat. Helmuth Spaeth, Spline-Algorithmen zur Konstruktion glatter Kurven und Flaechen, 3. Auflage, R. Oldenburg Verlag, Muenchen, Wien, 1983.
Constructor | Description |
Full Usage:
Instance member | Description |
Full Usage:
First boundary condition parameter.
b2 : byref<float>
Second boundary condition parameter.
Returns: BoundaryConditions
The boundary condition.
Gets the boundary condition and the two condition parameters.
Gets the boundary condition and the two condition parameters.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Full Usage:
y : IReadOnlyList<float>
Modifiers: abstract |
Full Usage:
The boundary condition. See remarks for the possible values.
b1 : float
b2 : float
Sets the boundary conditions.
Natural natural boundaries, that means the 2nd derivatives are zero at both boundaries. This is the default value. FiniteDifferences use finite difference approximation for 1st derivatives. Supply1stDerivative user supplied values for 1st derivatives are given in b1 and b2 i.e. f'(x_lo) in b1 f'(x_hi) in b2 Supply2ndDerivative user supplied values for 2nd derivatives are given in b1 and b2 i.e. f''(x_lo) in b1 f''(x_hi) in b2 Periodic periodic boundary conditions for periodic curves or functions. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED IN THIS VERSION.
Full Usage:
Set the value of the smoothing paramenter. A value of p = 0 for the smoothing parameter results in a standard cubic spline. A value of p with -1 < p < 0 results in "unsmoothing" that means overshooting oscillations. A value of p with p > 0 gives increasing smoothness. p to infinity results in a linear interpolation. A value smaller or equal to -1.0 leads to an error. |
Static member | Description |
Full Usage:
RationalCubicSpline.Differences(x, dx)
Input vector.
dx : IVector<float>
Output vector.
Calculate difference vector dx(i) from vector x(i) and assure that x(i) is strictly monotone increasing or decreasing. Can be called with both arguments the same vector in order to do it inplace!
Full Usage:
RationalCubicSpline.InverseDifferences(x, dx)
Input vector.
dx : IVector<float>
Output vector.
Calculate inverse difference vector dx(i) from vector x(i) and assure that x(i) is strictly monotone increasing or decreasing. Can be called with both arguments the same vector in order to do it inplace!