ComplexDoubleLUDecomp Type

This class computes the LU factorization of a general n by n ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Copyright (c) 2003-2004, dnAnalytics Project. All rights reserved. See for details.

Adopted to Altaxo (c) 2005 Dr. Dirk Lellinger.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleLUDecomp(matrix)


Constructor for LU decomposition class. The constructor performs the factorization and the upper and lower matrices are accessible by the U and L properties.

matrix : IROComplexDoubleMatrix

The matrix to factor.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.
NotSquareMatrixException matrix is not square.

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.GetDeterminant

Returns: Complex the determinant of the matrix.

Calculates the determinant of the matrix.

Returns: Complex

the determinant of the matrix.


Full Usage: this.GetInverse

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix the inverse of the matrix.

Calculates the inverse of the matrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

the inverse of the matrix.

SingularMatrixException matrix is singular.


Full Usage: this.GetPivots

Returns: int[] array of ints indicating which rows were interchanged during factorization.

Returns an array of ints indicating which rows were interchanged during factorization. Row i was interchanged with row pivots[i].

Returns: int[]

array of ints indicating which rows were interchanged during factorization.


Full Usage: this.IsSingular

Returns: bool true if the matrix is singular; otherwise, false.

Return a value indicating whether the matrix is singular.

Returns: bool

true if the matrix is singular; otherwise, false.


Full Usage: this.L

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix the lower matrix.

Returns the lower matrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

the lower matrix.


Full Usage: this.Solve

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix the solution matrix, X.

Solves a system on linear equations, AX=B, where A is the factored matrixed.

B : IROComplexDoubleMatrix

RHS side of the system.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

the solution matrix, X.

ArgumentNullException B is null.
SingularMatrixException Ais singular.
ArgumentException The number of rows of A and B must be the same.


Full Usage: this.Solve

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector the solution vector, X.

Solves a system on linear equations, AX=B, where A is the factored matrixed.

B : IROComplexDoubleVector

RHS side of the system.

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector

the solution vector, X.

ArgumentNullException B is null.
SingularMatrixException A is singular.
ArgumentException The number of rows of A and the length of B must be the same.


Full Usage: this.U

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix the upper matrix.

Returns the upper matrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

the upper matrix.