ComplexDoubleMatrix Type

Defines a matrix of ComplexDoubles.

Copyright (c) 2003-2004, dnAnalytics Project. All rights reserved. See for details.

Adopted to Altaxo (c) 2005 Dr. Dirk Lellinger.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(dimension)

    dimension : int - Dimensions of square matrix.

Constructor for square matrix with its components set to zero.

dimension : int

Dimensions of square matrix.

ArgumentException dimension isn't positive.

ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns)

    rows : int - Number of rows.
    columns : int - Number of columns.

Constructor for matrix with its components set to zero.

rows : int

Number of rows.

columns : int

Number of columns.

ArgumentException dimensions aren't positive.

ComplexDoubleMatrix(dimension, value)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(dimension, value)

    dimension : int - Dimensions of square matrix.
    value : Complex - Complex value to fill all matrix components.

Constructor for square matrix with its components set to a specified value.

dimension : int

Dimensions of square matrix.

value : Complex

Complex value to fill all matrix components.

ArgumentException dimension parameter isn't positive

ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns, value)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(rows, columns, value)

    rows : int - Number of rows.
    columns : int - Number of columns.
    value : Complex - Complex value to fill all matrix components.

Constructor for matrix with components set to a specified value

rows : int

Number of rows.

columns : int

Number of columns.

value : Complex

Complex value to fill all matrix components.

ArgumentException dimension parameters aren't positive


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(source)


Constructor for matrix that makes a deep copy of a given ComplexDoubleMatrix.

source : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

ArgumentNullException source is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(source)


Constructor for matrix that makes a deep copy of a given IROComplexDoubleMatrix.

source : IROComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

ArgumentNullException source is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(source)


Constructor for matrix that makes a deep copy of a given ComplexFloatMatrix.

source : ComplexFloatMatrix

ComplexFloatMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

ArgumentNullException source is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(source)


Constructor for matrix that makes a deep copy of a given ComplexFloatMatrix.

source : IROComplexFloatMatrix

ComplexFloatMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

ArgumentNullException source is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

    source : DoubleMatrix - DoubleMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

Constructor for matrix that makes a deep copy of a given DoubleMatrix.

source : DoubleMatrix

DoubleMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

ArgumentNullException source is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

    source : IROMatrix<float> - DoubleMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

Constructor for matrix that makes a deep copy of a given DoubleMatrix.

source : IROMatrix<float>

DoubleMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

ArgumentNullException source is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

    source : FloatMatrix - FloatMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

Constructor for matrix that makes a deep copy of a given IROFloatMatrix.

source : FloatMatrix

FloatMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

ArgumentNullException source is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

    source : IROMatrix<float32> - FloatMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

Constructor for matrix that makes a deep copy of a given IROFloatMatrix.

source : IROMatrix<float32>

FloatMatrix to deep copy into new matrix.

ArgumentNullException source is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(values)


values : Complex[,]


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(values)


values : ComplexFloat[,]


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(values)

    values : float[,]

values : float[,]


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix(values)

    values : float32[,]

values : float32[,]

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Add


Add a ComplexDoubleMatrix to thisComplexDoubleMatrix

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to add.

ArgumentException matrices are not conformable.
ArgumentNullException matrix is null.


Full Usage: this.Add


Add a Complex to thisComplexDoubleMatrix.

a : Complex

Complex to add.


Full Usage: this.Add

    value : obj

Returns: int
Modifiers: abstract

Add a new value to the end of the DoubleMatrix

value : obj
Returns: int


Full Usage: this.Clear

Modifiers: abstract

Set all values in the DoubleMatrix to zero


Full Usage: this.Clone

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

Clone (deep copy) a ComplexDoubleMatrix variable.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: this.ColumnLength

Returns: int The number of columns.

Return the number of columns in ComplexDoubleMatrix variable.

Returns: int

The number of columns.


Full Usage: this.Columns

Returns: int The number of columns.
Modifiers: abstract

Return the number of columns in ComplexDoubleMatrix variable.

Returns: int

The number of columns.


Full Usage: this.ConjugateTranspose

Replace the ComplexDoubleMatrix with its conjugate transpose.


Full Usage: this.Contains

    value : obj

Returns: bool
Modifiers: abstract

Check if the any of the DoubleVector components equals a given double

value : obj
Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.Copy


Copies the values from a matrix into this matrix.

x : ComplexDoubleMatrix

The matrix to copy the values from.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.


Full Usage: this.CopyTo

    array : Array
    index : int

Copy the components of this vector to an array

array : Array
index : int


Full Usage: this.Count

Returns: int

Get the number of elements in the matrix

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.Divide

    a : Complex - Complex to divide by (as denominator).

Divide this ComplexDoubleMatrix's elements with a Complex

a : Complex

Complex to divide by (as denominator).


Full Usage: this.Equals

    obj : obj - obj to compare present ComplexDoubleMatrix to.

Returns: bool Returns true if the variable is the same as the ComplexDoubleMatrix variable
Modifiers: abstract

Check if ComplexDoubleMatrix variable is the same as another object.

obj : obj

obj to compare present ComplexDoubleMatrix to.

Returns: bool

Returns true if the variable is the same as the ComplexDoubleMatrix variable


Full Usage: this.GetColumn

    column : int - Column number to return.

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector ComplexDoubleVector representation of column from the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Return a column of the ComplexDoubleMatrix as a ComplexDoubleVector.

column : int

Column number to return.

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector

ComplexDoubleVector representation of column from the ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.GetConditionNumber

Returns: float the condition number of the matrix.

Calculates the condition number of the matrix.

Returns: float

the condition number of the matrix.

NotSquareMatrixException the matrix is not square.


Full Usage: this.GetConjugateTranspose

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix The conjugate transpose of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Return the conjugate transpose of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

The conjugate transpose of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.GetDeterminant

Returns: Complex The determinant the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Computes the determinant the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Returns: Complex

The determinant the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

NotSquareMatrixException the matrix is not square.


Full Usage: this.GetDiagonal

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector ComplexDoubleVector representation of diagonal from the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Return the diagonal of the ComplexDoubleMatrix as a ComplexDoubleVector.

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector

ComplexDoubleVector representation of diagonal from the ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.GetEnumerator

Returns: IEnumerator
Modifiers: abstract

Return an IEnumerator

Returns: IEnumerator


Full Usage: this.GetFrobeniusNorm

Returns: float the Frobenius norm of this matrix.

Calculates the Frobenius norm of this matrix.

Returns: float

the Frobenius norm of this matrix.


Full Usage: this.GetHashCode

Returns: int The Hashcode representation of ComplexDoubleMatrix
Modifiers: abstract

Return the Hashcode for the ComplexDoubleMatrix

Returns: int

The Hashcode representation of ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: this.GetInfinityNorm

Returns: float the infinity norm of this matrix.

Calculates the infinity norm of this matrix.

Returns: float

the infinity norm of this matrix.


Full Usage: this.GetInverse

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix The inverse of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Returns an inverse of the ComplexDoubleMatrix

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

The inverse of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

SingularMatrixException the matrix is singular.
NotSquareMatrixException the matrix is not square.


Full Usage: this.GetL1Norm

Returns: float the L1 norm of this matrix.

Calculates the L1 norm of this matrix.

Returns: float

the L1 norm of this matrix.


Full Usage: this.GetL2Norm

Returns: float the L2 norm of this matrix.

Calculates the L2 norm of this matrix.

Returns: float

the L2 norm of this matrix.


Full Usage: this.GetLowerTriangle

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with lower triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Return the lower triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with lower triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.GetRow

    row : int - Row number to return.

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector ComplexDoubleVector representation of row from the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Return a row of the ComplexDoubleMatrix as a ComplexDoubleVector.

row : int

Row number to return.

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector

ComplexDoubleVector representation of row from the ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.GetStrictlyLowerTriangle

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with strictly lower triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Return the strictly lower triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with strictly lower triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.GetStrictlyUpperTriangle

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with strictly upper triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Return the strictly upper triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with strictly upper triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.GetSubMatrix

    startRow : int - Return data from this row to last row.
    startColumn : int - Return data from this column to last column.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix of submatrix specified by input variable.

Returns a submatrix of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

startRow : int

Return data from this row to last row.

startColumn : int

Return data from this column to last column.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix of submatrix specified by input variable.

ArgumentException input dimensions exceed those of ComplexDoubleMatrix.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException input dimensions are out of the range of ComplexDoubleMatrix dimensions.


Full Usage: this.GetSubMatrix

    startRow : int - Return data starting from this row.
    startColumn : int - Return data starting from this column.
    endRow : int - Return data ending in this row.
    endColumn : int - Return data ending in this column.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix of submatrix specified by input variable.

Returns a submatrix of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

startRow : int

Return data starting from this row.

startColumn : int

Return data starting from this column.

endRow : int

Return data ending in this row.

endColumn : int

Return data ending in this column.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix of submatrix specified by input variable.

ArgumentException input dimensions exceed those of ComplexDoubleMatrix.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException input dimensions are out of the range ofComplexDoubleMatrix dimensions.


Full Usage: this.GetTranspose

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix The transpose of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Return the transpose of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

The transpose of the ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.GetUpperTriangle

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with upper triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Return the upper triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with upper triangle values from ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.IndexOf

    value : obj

Returns: int
Modifiers: abstract

Return the index of the xDoubleVector for the first component that equals a given double

value : obj
Returns: int


Full Usage: this.Insert

    index : int
    value : obj

Modifiers: abstract

Insert a double into the DoubleVector at a given index

index : int
value : obj


Full Usage: this.Invert

Inverts the ComplexDoubleMatrix.

SingularMatrixException the matrix is singular.
NotSquareMatrixException the matrix is not square.


Full Usage: this.IsFixedSize

Returns: bool
Modifiers: abstract

Returns true indicating that the IList interface doesn't support addition and removal of elements

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsReadOnly

Returns: bool
Modifiers: abstract

Returns false indicating that the IList interface supports modification of elements

Returns: bool


Full Usage: this.IsSynchronized

Returns: bool

Get a boolean indicating whether the data storage method of this vector is thread-safe

Returns: bool

this.[arg1, arg2]

Full Usage: this.[arg1, arg2]

    arg0 : int

Returns: int Returns a Complex matrix element.
Modifiers: abstract

Access a matrix element.

arg0 : int
Returns: int

Returns a Complex matrix element.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException element accessed is out of the bounds of the matrix.


Full Usage: this.Multiply

    a : Complex - Complex to multiply with.

Multiply this ComplexDoubleMatrix's elements with a Complex.

a : Complex

Complex to multiply with.


Full Usage: this.Multiply


Multiply this ComplexDoubleMatrix with a ComplexDoubleVector and return results in this ComplexDoubleMatrix.

x : ComplexDoubleVector

ComplexDoubleVector to act as right operator.

ArgumentException Exception thrown if parameter dimensions are not conformable.
ArgumentNullException x is null.


Full Usage: this.Multiply


Multiply this ComplexDoubleMatrix with a ComplexDoubleMatrix and return results in this ComplexDoubleMatrix

x : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to act as right operator.

ArgumentException dimensions are not conformable.
ArgumentNullException x is null.


Full Usage: this.Remove

    value : obj

Modifiers: abstract

Remove the first instance of a given double from the DoubleVector

value : obj


Full Usage: this.RemoveAt

    index : int

Modifiers: abstract

Remove the component of the DoubleVector at a given index

index : int


Full Usage: this.RowLength

Returns: int The number of rows.

Return the number of rows in the ComplexDoubleMatrix variable.

Returns: int

The number of rows.


Full Usage: this.Rows

Returns: int The number of rows.
Modifiers: abstract

Return the number of rows in the ComplexDoubleMatrix variable.

Returns: int

The number of rows.


Full Usage: this.SetColumn

    column : int - The column to set.
    data : ComplexDoubleVector - The data to file the column with.

Sets the values of a column to the given vector.

column : int

The column to set.

data : ComplexDoubleVector

The data to file the column with.


Full Usage: this.SetColumn


Sets the values of a column to the given vector.

column : int

The column to set.

data : IROComplexDoubleVector

The data to file the column with.


Full Usage: this.SetColumn

    column : int - The column to set.
    data : Complex[] - The data to file the column with.

Sets the values of a column to the given array.

column : int

The column to set.

data : Complex[]

The data to file the column with.


Full Usage: this.SetDiagonal

    source : Complex[] - Complex arraywith values to insert into diagonal of ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Set the diagonal of the ComplexDoubleMatrix to the values in a Complex array.

source : Complex[]

Complex arraywith values to insert into diagonal of ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.SetDiagonal

    source : IROComplexDoubleVector - ComplexDoubleVector with values to insert into diagonal of ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Set the diagonal of the ComplexDoubleMatrix to the values in a ComplexDoubleVector variable.

source : IROComplexDoubleVector

ComplexDoubleVector with values to insert into diagonal of ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.SetRow


Sets the values of a row to the given vector.

row : int

The row to set.

data : ComplexDoubleVector

The data to file the row with.


Full Usage: this.SetRow


Sets the values of a row to the given vector.

row : int

The row to set.

data : IROComplexDoubleVector

The data to file the row with.


Full Usage: this.SetRow

    row : int - The row to set.
    data : Complex[] - The data to file the row with.

Sets the values of a row to the given array.

row : int

The row to set.

data : Complex[]

The data to file the row with.


Full Usage: this.Subtract


Subtract a ComplexDoubleMatrix from this ComplexDoubleMatrix.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to subtract.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.


Full Usage: this.Subtract

    a : Complex - Complex to subtract.

Subtract a Complex from this ComplexDoubleMatrix

a : Complex

Complex to subtract.


Full Usage: this.ToArray

Returns: Complex[,] Complex array with data from ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Convert ComplexDoubleMatrix into Complex array

Returns: Complex[,]

Complex array with data from ComplexDoubleMatrix.


Full Usage: this.ToString

Returns: string The string representation of the value of this instance.
Modifiers: abstract

A string representation of this ComplexDoubleMatrix.

Returns: string

The string representation of the value of this instance.


Full Usage: this.ToString

    format : string - A format specification.

Returns: string The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by format.

A string representation of this ComplexDoubleMatrix.

format : string

A format specification.

Returns: string

The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by format.


Full Usage: this.ToString

    formatProvider : IFormatProvider - An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

Returns: string The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by provider.

A string representation of this ComplexDoubleMatrix.

formatProvider : IFormatProvider

An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

Returns: string

The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by provider.


Full Usage: this.ToString

    format : string - A format specification.
    formatProvider : IFormatProvider - An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

Returns: string The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by format and provider.
Modifiers: abstract

A string representation of this ComplexDoubleMatrix.

format : string

A format specification.

formatProvider : IFormatProvider

An IFormatProvider that supplies culture-specific formatting information.

Returns: string

The string representation of the value of this instance as specified by format and provider.


Full Usage: this.Transpose

Replace the ComplexDoubleMatrix with its transpose.

Static members

Static member Description

a * b

Full Usage: a * b

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Multiply a ComplexDoubleMatrix's elements with a Complex.

a : Complex

Complex to act as left operator.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to act as right operator.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

a * b

Full Usage: a * b

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Multiply a ComplexDoubleMatrix's elements with a Complex.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix whose elements to multiply.

b : Complex

Complex to multiply with.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

x * y

Full Usage: x * y

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector ComplexDoubleMatrix with results

Multiply a ComplexDoubleMatrix with a ComplexDoubleVector

x : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to act as left operator.

y : ComplexDoubleVector

ComplexDoubleVector to act as right operator.

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results

ArgumentException dimensions are not conformable.
ArgumentNullException either matrix or vector is null.

x * y

Full Usage: x * y

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Multiply a ComplexDoubleMatrix with a ComplexDoubleMatrix.

x : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to act as left operator.

y : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to act as right operator.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentException dimensions are not conformable.
ArgumentNullException either matrix is null.

a + b

Full Usage: a + b

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Add a ComplexDoubleMatrix to another ComplexDoubleMatrix.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to add to.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to add.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException either matrix is null.

a + b

Full Usage: a + b

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Add a Complex to a ComplexDoubleMatrix.

a : Complex

Complex to add to.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to add.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

a + b

Full Usage: a + b

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Add a ComplexDoubleMatrix to a Complex.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to add to.

b : Complex

Complex to add.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

a - b

Full Usage: a - b

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Subtract a ComplexDoubleMatrix from another ComplexDoubleMatrix.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to subtract from.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to subtract.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException either matrix is null.

a - b

Full Usage: a - b

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Subtract a ComplexDoubleMatrix from a Complex.

a : Complex

Complex to subtract from.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to subtract.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

a - b

Full Usage: a - b

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Subtract a Complex from a ComplexDoubleMatrix

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to subtract from.

b : Complex

Complex to subtract.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

a / b

Full Usage: a / b

    a : ComplexDoubleMatrix - ComplexDoubleMatrix whose elements to divide as numerator.
    b : Complex - Complex to divide by (as denominator).

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Divide a ComplexDoubleMatrix's elements with a Complex.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix whose elements to divide as numerator.

b : Complex

Complex to divide by (as denominator).

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.


Full Usage: ~+a

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with values to return

Positive operator for ComplexDoubleMatrix

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with values to return

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.


Full Usage: ~-a

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with values to negate.

Negate operator for ComplexDoubleMatrix.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with values to negate.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Add(a, b)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Add(a, b)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Add a ComplexDoubleMatrix to another ComplexDoubleMatrix,

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to add to.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to add.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException either matrix is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Add(a, b)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Add(a, b)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Add a Complex to a ComplexDoubleMatrix,

a : Complex

Complex to add to.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to add.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Add(a, b)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Add(a, b)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Add a ComplexDoubleMatrix to a Complex,

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to add to.

b : Complex

Complex to add.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.CreateIdentity(rank)

    rank : int - Rank of identity matrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

Creates an identity matrix.

rank : int

Rank of identity matrix.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Divide(a, b)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Divide(a, b)

    a : ComplexDoubleMatrix - ComplexDoubleMatrix whose elements to divide as numerator.
    b : Complex - Complex to divide by (as denominator).

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Divide a ComplexDoubleMatrix's elements with a Complex.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix whose elements to divide as numerator.

b : Complex

Complex to divide by (as denominator).

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Multiply(a, b)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Multiply(a, b)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Multiply a ComplexDoubleMatrix's elements with a Complex.

a : Complex

Complex to act as left operator.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to act as right operator.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Multiply(a, b)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Multiply(a, b)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results

Multiply a ComplexDoubleMatrix's elements with a Complex.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix whose elements to multiply.

b : Complex

Complex to multiply with.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Multiply(x, y)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Multiply(x, y)

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector ComplexDoubleMatrix with results

Multiply a ComplexDoubleMatrix with a ComplexDoubleVector.

x : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to act as left operator.

y : ComplexDoubleVector

ComplexDoubleVector to act as right operator.

Returns: ComplexDoubleVector

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results

ArgumentException dimensions are not conformable.
ArgumentNullException either matrix or vector is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Multiply(x, y)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Multiply(x, y)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results

Multiply a ComplexDoubleMatrix with a ComplexDoubleMatrix.

x : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to act as left operator.

y : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to act as right operator.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results

ArgumentException dimensions are not conformable.
ArgumentNullException either matrix is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Negate(a)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with values to negate.

Negate the values in ComplexDoubleMatrix.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with values to negate.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Subtract(a, b)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Subtract(a, b)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Subtract a ComplexDoubleMatrix from another ComplexDoubleMatrix.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to subtract from.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to subtract.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException either matrix is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Subtract(a, b)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Subtract(a, b)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Subtract a ComplexDoubleMatrix from a Complex.

a : Complex

Complex to subtract from.

b : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to subtract.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.

ComplexDoubleMatrix.Subtract(a, b)

Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.Subtract(a, b)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

Subtract a Complex from a ComplexDoubleMatrix.

a : ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix to subtract from.

b : Complex

Complex to subtract.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

ComplexDoubleMatrix with results.

ArgumentNullException matrix is null.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

Implicit conversion from ComplexFloatMatrix matrix.

source : IROComplexFloatMatrix

ComplexFloatMatrix to make a deep copy conversion from.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

    source : IROMatrix<float> - DoubleMatrix to make a deep copy conversion from.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

Implicit conversion from DoubleMatrix matrix.

source : IROMatrix<float>

DoubleMatrix to make a deep copy conversion from.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

    source : IROMatrix<float32> - FloatMatrix to make a deep copy conversion from.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

Implicit conversion from FloatMatrix matrix.

source : IROMatrix<float32>

FloatMatrix to make a deep copy conversion from.

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : Complex[,]
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : ComplexFloat[,]
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

    source : float[,]

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : float[,]
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToComplexDoubleMatrix(source)

    source : float32[,]

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : float32[,]
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(matrix)

Returns: Complex[] Linear array of complex.

This creates a linear array for use with unmanaged routines.

matrix : IROComplexDoubleMatrix

The matrix to convert to an array.

Returns: Complex[]

Linear array of complex.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(matrix)

Returns: Complex[] Linear array of complex.

This creates a linear array for use with unmanaged routines.

matrix : IROComplexFloatMatrix

The matrix to convert to an array.

Returns: Complex[]

Linear array of complex.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(matrix)

    matrix : IROMatrix<float> - The matrix to convert to an array.

Returns: Complex[] Linear array of complex.

This creates a linear array for use with unmanaged routines.

matrix : IROMatrix<float>

The matrix to convert to an array.

Returns: Complex[]

Linear array of complex.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(matrix)

    matrix : IROMatrix<float32> - The matrix to convert to an array.

Returns: Complex[] Linear array of complex.

This creates a linear array for use with unmanaged routines.

matrix : IROMatrix<float32>

The matrix to convert to an array.

Returns: Complex[]

Linear array of complex.


Full Usage: ComplexDoubleMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(source)

Returns: Complex[] Linear array of complex.

This creates a linear array for use with unmanaged routines.

source : IROComplexDoubleVector

The vector to convert to an array.

Returns: Complex[]

Linear array of complex.


Full Usage: op_Implicitsource

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : ComplexFloatMatrix
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: op_Implicitsource

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : DoubleMatrix
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: op_Implicitsource

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : FloatMatrix
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: op_Implicitsource

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : Complex[,]
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: op_Implicitsource

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : ComplexFloat[,]
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: op_Implicitsource

    source : float[,]

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : float[,]
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix


Full Usage: op_Implicitsource

    source : float32[,]

Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix

source : float32[,]
Returns: ComplexDoubleMatrix