
Constructor Description

DVNLSD(dvnorm, dcopy, dvjac, dvsol, dscal, daxpy, DVOD01, DVOD02)

Full Usage: DVNLSD(dvnorm, dcopy, dvjac, dvsol, dscal, daxpy, DVOD01, DVOD02)


dvnorm : DVNORM
dcopy : DCOPY
dvjac : DVJAC
dvsol : DVSOL
dscal : DSCAL
daxpy : DAXPY
DVOD01 : CommonBlock
DVOD02 : CommonBlock


Full Usage: DVNLSD()

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Run

    Y : byref<float[]> - = The dependent variable, a vector of length N, input.
    offset_y : int -
    YH : float[] - = The Nordsieck (Taylor) array, LDYH by LMAX, input and output. On input, it contains predicted values.
    offset_yh : int -
    LDYH : int - = A constant .ge. N, the first dimension of YH, input.
    VSAV : float[] - = Unused work array.
    offset_vsav : int -
    SAVF : byref<float[]> - = A work array of length N.
    offset_savf : int -
    EWT : float[] - = An error weight vector of length N, input.
    offset_ewt : int -
    ACOR : byref<float[]> - = A work array of length N, used for the accumulated corrections to the predicted y vector.
    offset_acor : int -
    IWM : byref<int[]> -
    offset_iwm : int -
    WM : byref<float[]> -
    offset_wm : int -
    F : IFEX - = Dummy name for user supplied routine for f.
    JAC : IJEX - = Dummy name for user supplied Jacobian routine.
    PDUM : IFEX - = Unused dummy subroutine name. Included for uniformity over collection of integrators.
    NFLAG : byref<int> - = Input/output flag, with values and meanings as follows: INPUT 0 first call for this time step. -1 convergence failure in previous call to DVNLSD. -2 error test failure in DVSTEP. OUTPUT 0 successful completion of nonlinear solver. -1 convergence failure or singular matrix. -2 unrecoverable error in matrix preprocessing (cannot occur here). -3 unrecoverable error in solution (cannot occur here).
    RPAR : float[] -
    offset_rpar : int -
    IPAR : int[] -
    offset_ipar : int -

Modifiers: abstract

Y : byref<float[]>

= The dependent variable, a vector of length N, input.

offset_y : int

YH : float[]

= The Nordsieck (Taylor) array, LDYH by LMAX, input and output. On input, it contains predicted values.

offset_yh : int

LDYH : int

= A constant .ge. N, the first dimension of YH, input.

VSAV : float[]

= Unused work array.

offset_vsav : int

SAVF : byref<float[]>

= A work array of length N.

offset_savf : int

EWT : float[]

= An error weight vector of length N, input.

offset_ewt : int

ACOR : byref<float[]>

= A work array of length N, used for the accumulated corrections to the predicted y vector.

offset_acor : int

IWM : byref<int[]>

offset_iwm : int

WM : byref<float[]>

offset_wm : int


= Dummy name for user supplied routine for f.


= Dummy name for user supplied Jacobian routine.


= Unused dummy subroutine name. Included for uniformity over collection of integrators.

NFLAG : byref<int>

= Input/output flag, with values and meanings as follows: INPUT 0 first call for this time step. -1 convergence failure in previous call to DVNLSD. -2 error test failure in DVSTEP. OUTPUT 0 successful completion of nonlinear solver. -1 convergence failure or singular matrix. -2 unrecoverable error in matrix preprocessing (cannot occur here). -3 unrecoverable error in solution (cannot occur here).

RPAR : float[]

offset_rpar : int

IPAR : int[]

offset_ipar : int