xBaseOdeGearsAndAdamsMoulton Type

Represents a base class for the Adams-Moulton and Gear’s BDF classes.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: xBaseOdeGearsAndAdamsMoulton()

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.SetInitialValues

    t0 : float - The initial value for the independent variable.
    y0 : float[] - A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.

Modifiers: abstract

Sets the initial values for the differential equations.

This method should be invoked before to start the integration. When this method is invoked, the ODE solver is restarted.

t0 : float

The initial value for the independent variable.

y0 : float[]

A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.


Full Usage: this.Solve

    tEnd : float - Value of t where the solution is required.

Returns: float[] A array containing the solution of the differential equations at the point tEnd.

Computes the solution of the differential equations at a point tEnd.

tEnd : float

Value of t where the solution is required.

Returns: float[]

A array containing the solution of the differential equations at the point tEnd.


Full Usage: this.Solve

    y0 : float[] - A vector of size N containing the initial conditions ( at t0). N is the number of differential equations.
    tspan : float[] - A vector specifying the interval of integration (t0,..,tf).

Returns: float[,] A matrix that contains the solution of the differential equations [T, y1,..,yN]. The first column contains the time points and each row corresponds to the solution at a time returned in the corresponding row.

Computes the solution of the differntial equations.

y0 : float[]

A vector of size N containing the initial conditions ( at t0). N is the number of differential equations.

tspan : float[]

A vector specifying the interval of integration (t0,..,tf).

Returns: float[,]

A matrix that contains the solution of the differential equations [T, y1,..,yN]. The first column contains the time points and each row corresponds to the solution at a time returned in the corresponding row.


Full Usage: this.Solve

    y0 : float[] - A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.
    t0 : float - The initial independent variable value.
    deltaT : float - The step for the interval of integration (t0, t0+deltaT, t0+2*deltaT,...,tf).
    tf : float - The final independent variable value.

Returns: float[,] A matrix that contains the solution of the differential equations [T, y1,..,yN]. The first column contains the time points and each row corresponds to the solution at a time returned in the corresponding row.

Computes the solution of the differntial equations.

y0 : float[]

A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.

t0 : float

The initial independent variable value.

deltaT : float

The step for the interval of integration (t0, t0+deltaT, t0+2*deltaT,...,tf).

tf : float

The final independent variable value.

Returns: float[,]

A matrix that contains the solution of the differential equations [T, y1,..,yN]. The first column contains the time points and each row corresponds to the solution at a time returned in the corresponding row.


Full Usage: this.Solve

    y0 : float[] - A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.
    t0 : float - The initial independent variable value.
    deltaT : float - The step for the interval of integration (t0, t0+deltaT, t0+2*deltaT,...,tf).
    tf : float - The final independent variable value.
    solution : OdeSolution - A delegate where to return the solution.

Computes the solution of the differential equations.

y0 : float[]

A vector of size N containing the initial conditions. N is the number of differential equations.

t0 : float

The initial independent variable value.

deltaT : float

The step for the interval of integration (t0, t0+deltaT, t0+2*deltaT,...,tf).

tf : float

The final independent variable value.

solution : OdeSolution

A delegate where to return the solution.


Full Usage: this.Solve

    y0 : float[] - A vector of size N containing the initial conditions ( at t0). N is the number of differential equations.
    tspan : float[] - A vector specifying the interval of integration (t0,..,tf).
    solution : OdeSolution - A delegate where to return the solution.

Computes the solution of the differential equations.

y0 : float[]

A vector of size N containing the initial conditions ( at t0). N is the number of differential equations.

tspan : float[]

A vector specifying the interval of integration (t0,..,tf).

solution : OdeSolution

A delegate where to return the solution.