GearsBDF Type

Gears BDF ODE solver.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: GearsBDF()

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.CurrentDegree

Returns: int

Gets the current degree of the interpolating polynomial.

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.CurrentNordsieckMatrix

Returns: DoubleMatrix

Gets the current nordsieck matrix. Rows corresponds to the state variables y0..yn, colums are the variable y, then y'dt, y''dt²/2, y'''dt³/6, and so on. Can be used to get the coefficients of the interpolating polynomial(s) between GearsBDF.CurrentTime-GearsBDF.CurrentTimeStep to GearsBDF.CurrentTime.

Returns: DoubleMatrix


Full Usage: this.CurrentTime

Returns: float

Gets the time until which the ODE is already evaluated.

Returns: float


Full Usage: this.CurrentTimeStep

Returns: float

Gets the current time step. This is the step which was carried out from the previous time to the current time.

Returns: float


Full Usage: this.Evaluate

    t_result : byref<float>
    result : float[]

t_result : byref<float>
result : float[]


Full Usage: this.Evaluate

    t_sol : float
    result : float[]

t_sol : float
result : float[]


Full Usage: this.Initialize

    t0 : float - Initial time point
    y0 : float[] - Initial values (at time t0).
    dydt : Action<float, float[], float[]> - Evaluation function for the derivatives. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. The third argument is an array where the derivatives are expected to be placed into.

Initialize Gear's BDF method with dynamically changed step size and order.

t0 : float

Initial time point

y0 : float[]

Initial values (at time t0).

dydt : Action<float, float[], float[]>

Evaluation function for the derivatives. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. The third argument is an array where the derivatives are expected to be placed into.


Full Usage: this.Initialize

    t0 : float - Initial time point
    y0 : float[] - Initial values (at time t0).
    dydt : Action<float, float[], float[]> - Evaluation function for the derivatives. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. The third argument is an array where the derivatives are expected to be placed into.
    opts : GearsBDFOptions - Options for the ODE method (can be null).

Initialize Gear's BDF method with dynamically changed step size and order.

t0 : float

Initial time point

y0 : float[]

Initial values (at time t0).

dydt : Action<float, float[], float[]>

Evaluation function for the derivatives. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. The third argument is an array where the derivatives are expected to be placed into.

opts : GearsBDFOptions

Options for the ODE method (can be null).


Full Usage: this.Initialize

    t0 : float - Initial time point
    y0 : float[] - Initial values (at time t0).
    dydt : Action<float, float[], float[]> - Evaluation function for the derivatives. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. The third argument is an array where the derivatives are expected to be placed into.
    denseJacobianEvaluator : Func<float, float[], IROMatrix<float>> - Evaluation for the dense jacobian matrix. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. If null is passed for this argument, a default evaluator is used.
    opts : GearsBDFOptions - Options for the ODE method (can be null).

Initialize Gear's BDF method with dynamically changed step size and order.

t0 : float

Initial time point

y0 : float[]

Initial values (at time t0).

dydt : Action<float, float[], float[]>

Evaluation function for the derivatives. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. The third argument is an array where the derivatives are expected to be placed into.

denseJacobianEvaluator : Func<float, float[], IROMatrix<float>>

Evaluation for the dense jacobian matrix. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. If null is passed for this argument, a default evaluator is used.

opts : GearsBDFOptions

Options for the ODE method (can be null).


Full Usage: this.InitializeSparse

    t0 : float - Initial time point
    y0 : float[] - Initial values (at time t0).
    dydt : Action<float, float[], float[]> - Evaluation function for the derivatives. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. The third argument is an array where the derivatives are expected to be placed into.
    sparseJacobianEvaluation : Func<float, float[], SparseDoubleMatrix> - Evaluation for the dense jacobian matrix. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. If null is passed for this argument, a default evaluator is used.
    opts : GearsBDFOptions - Options for the ODE method (can be null).

Initialize Gear's BDF method with dynamically changed step size and order.

t0 : float

Initial time point

y0 : float[]

Initial values (at time t0).

dydt : Action<float, float[], float[]>

Evaluation function for the derivatives. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. The third argument is an array where the derivatives are expected to be placed into.

sparseJacobianEvaluation : Func<float, float[], SparseDoubleMatrix>

Evaluation for the dense jacobian matrix. First argument is the time, second argument are the current y values. If null is passed for this argument, a default evaluator is used.

opts : GearsBDFOptions

Options for the ODE method (can be null).


Full Usage: this.MarkDiscontinuity

Marks a discontinuity at the last point that was evaluated.

This function is indended to be used if discontinuous boundary conditions exist. The function evaluates the rate at the last point, and effectively restarts the ODE. See example for details. Example: if a discontinuity exist at t=1000, then then (i) evaluate the ODE until t=1000, then (ii) change the boundary conditions, and then (iii) call this function.


Full Usage: this.MaximumTimeStep

Gets or sets the maximum time step.