Constructor | Description |
Full Usage:
DynamicParameterEstimationWithChooseableBins(xBins, yBins, backgroundOrder)
The x bins.
yBins : int[]
The y bins.
backgroundOrder : int
The background order. Use -1 if you want to fit without background. A value of 0 already designates a constant background, a value of 1 a linear background.
Initializes a new instance of the DynamicParameterEstimationWithChooseableBins class. This will regress an linear equation
Instance member | Description |
Full Usage:
This is the y-value (not x!) before the pulse. If the NumberOfY is set to zero, this parameter is ignored, since no information about y for t<0 is neccessary.
output : IVector<float>
Used to store the output result. Can be of arbitrary size.
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the impulse response to a pulse at t=0, i.e. to x[0]==1, x[1]...x[n]==0. The background component is not taken into account.