EnsembleMeanAndScaleCorrection Type

This class takes the ensemble mean of all spectra and then subtracts the mean from all spectra. It then takes the variance of each wavelength slot and divides all spectral slots by their ensemble variance.


Constructor Description

EnsembleMeanAndScaleCorrection(ensembleMean, ensembleScale)

Full Usage: EnsembleMeanAndScaleCorrection(ensembleMean, ensembleScale)

    ensembleMean : bool
    ensembleScale : bool

ensembleMean : bool
ensembleScale : bool

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Export

Modifiers: abstract

writer : XmlWriter


Full Usage: this.Process

    xMatrix : IMatrix<float> - The matrix of spectra. Each spectrum is a row of the matrix.
    xMean : IVector<float> - Not used, since this processing sets xMean by itself (to zero).
    xScale : IVector<float> - Not used, since the processing sets xScale by itself.
    regions : int[] - Vector of spectal regions. Each element is the index of the start of a new region.

Modifiers: abstract

Processes the spectra in matrix xMatrix.

xMatrix : IMatrix<float>

The matrix of spectra. Each spectrum is a row of the matrix.

xMean : IVector<float>

Not used, since this processing sets xMean by itself (to zero).

xScale : IVector<float>

Not used, since the processing sets xScale by itself.

regions : int[]

Vector of spectal regions. Each element is the index of the start of a new region.


Full Usage: this.ProcessForPrediction

    xMatrix : IMatrix<float> - The matrix of spectra. Each spectrum is a row of the matrix.
    xMean : IReadOnlyList<float> - Must be supplied, and will be subtracted from all spectra (if option set).
    xScale : IReadOnlyList<float> - Must be supplied, and will be multiplied to all spectra (if option set).
    regions : int[] - Vector of spectal regions. Each element is the index of the start of a new region.

Modifiers: abstract

Processes the spectra in matrix xMatrix for prediction.

xMatrix : IMatrix<float>

The matrix of spectra. Each spectrum is a row of the matrix.

xMean : IReadOnlyList<float>

Must be supplied, and will be subtracted from all spectra (if option set).

xScale : IReadOnlyList<float>

Must be supplied, and will be multiplied to all spectra (if option set).

regions : int[]

Vector of spectal regions. Each element is the index of the start of a new region.