PLS1Regression Type

Summary description for PLS1Regression.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: PLS1Regression()

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.GetPRESSFromPreprocessed

Returns: IROVector<float>
Modifiers: abstract

matrixX : IROMatrix<float>
Returns: IROVector<float>


Full Usage: this.InternalCalibrationModel

Returns: MultivariateCalibrationModel
Modifiers: abstract

Returns: MultivariateCalibrationModel


Full Usage: this.NumberOfSpectralResiduals

Returns: int
Modifiers: abstract

Returns: int


Full Usage: this.PRESS

Returns: IROVector<float>

Returns: IROVector<float>


Full Usage: this.PredictedYAndSpectralResidualsFromPreprocessed

    XU : IROMatrix<float> - Matrix of unknown spectra (preprocessed the same way as the calibration spectra).
    numFactors : int - Number of factors used for prediction.
    predictedY : IMatrix<float> - On return, holds the predicted y values. (They are centered).
    spectralResiduals : IMatrix<float> - On return, holds the spectral residual values.

Modifiers: abstract

This predicts concentrations of unknown spectra.

XU : IROMatrix<float>

Matrix of unknown spectra (preprocessed the same way as the calibration spectra).

numFactors : int

Number of factors used for prediction.

predictedY : IMatrix<float>

On return, holds the predicted y values. (They are centered).

spectralResiduals : IMatrix<float>

On return, holds the spectral residual values.


Full Usage: this.Reset

Modifiers: abstract


Full Usage: this.SetCalibrationModel

Modifiers: abstract

calib : IMultivariateCalibrationModel

Static members

Static member Description

PLS1Regression.CreateFromPreprocessed(matrixX, matrixY, maxFactors)

Full Usage: PLS1Regression.CreateFromPreprocessed(matrixX, matrixY, maxFactors)

    matrixX : IROMatrix<float> - The spectral matrix (each spectrum is a row in the matrix). They must at least be centered.
    matrixY : IROMatrix<float> - The matrix of concentrations (each experiment is a row in the matrix). They must at least be centered.
    maxFactors : int - Maximum number of factors for analysis.

Returns: PLS1Regression A regression object, which holds all the loads and weights neccessary for further calculations.

Creates an analyis from preprocessed spectra and preprocessed concentrations.

matrixX : IROMatrix<float>

The spectral matrix (each spectrum is a row in the matrix). They must at least be centered.

matrixY : IROMatrix<float>

The matrix of concentrations (each experiment is a row in the matrix). They must at least be centered.

maxFactors : int

Maximum number of factors for analysis.

Returns: PLS1Regression

A regression object, which holds all the loads and weights neccessary for further calculations.