String resource manager for the AltaxoCore DLL and other DLLs that reference AltaxoCore.
Constructor | Description |
Full Usage:
StringResources(path, resourceName, assemblyContainingTheResources)
The path to the resource. This is usually the default namespace, a dot, and the folders (separated by dots) where the resource file(s) reside. See remarks for how to name the neutral resource files and the resource files for other cultures.
resourceName : string
Name of the neutral (english) resource file (without the '.resource' extension.
assemblyContainingTheResources : Assembly
The assembly containing the resources.
The naming conventions will be explained using AltaxoCore as example. The default namespace of the AltaxoCore DLL is 'Altaxo'. The resource files reside in the source folder 'Resources'. The neutral resource file is named 'StringResources.resources'. The resource file for the german culture must be named 'de.StringResources.resources' (two-letter_culture_name + dot + neutral_resource_file_name). This will lead to the following arguments for creating the instance: The path argument is 'Altaxo.Resources' (default_namespace + dot + foldername). The resourceName argument is 'StringResources'. The assemblyContainingTheResources argument must refer to AltaxoCore.
Instance member | Description |
Full Usage:
The resource key.
Returns: string
The resource string corresponding to the given resource key.
Gets a resource string for a given resource key.
Full Usage:
The resource key.
fallbackToExampleValue : bool
If true , and the resource key is not found, the method will return the example value that
comes with the resource key. If false , the method will return Null in this case.
Returns: string
The resource string corresponding to the given resource key.
Gets a resource string for a given resource key.
Static member | Description |
Gets the altaxo core string resources.