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BioContainer Module

BioContainer helper


Type Description



Functions and values

Function or value Description

connect str

Full Usage: connect str

    str : string

Returns: DockerClient

Connect to docker engine (docker deamon)

str : string
Returns: DockerClient

connectLocalDefault ()

Full Usage: connectLocalDefault ()

    () : unit

Returns: DockerClient

Connect to default local docker engine (docker deamon: "npipe://./pipe/docker_engine")

() : unit
Returns: DockerClient

disposeAsync bc

Full Usage: disposeAsync bc

Returns: Async<unit>

Disposes the biocontainer context (stops and removes the underlying container)

bc : BcContext
Returns: Async<unit>

execAsync bc cmd

Full Usage: execAsync bc cmd

Returns: Async<unit>

Executes a command in the biocontainer context. Passes stdout and stderr of the container to stoud/stderr.

bc : BcContext
cmd : string seq
Returns: Async<unit>

execReturnAsync bc cmd

Full Usage: execReturnAsync bc cmd

Returns: Async<string>

Executes a command in the biocontainer context and returns the either the standard output of the container or the standard error of the container if stdout is empty

bc : BcContext
cmd : string seq
Returns: Async<string>

getFileAsync bc filePath

Full Usage: getFileAsync bc filePath

Returns: Async<Stream>

Copies file from a container (only single file is supported)

bc : BcContext
filePath : string
Returns: Async<Stream>

initBcContextAsync connection image

Full Usage: initBcContextAsync connection image

Returns: Async<BcContext>

Runs a container of a specified image and keeps it running

connection : DockerClient
image : DockerId
Returns: Async<BcContext>

initBcContextLocalDefaultAsync image

Full Usage: initBcContextLocalDefaultAsync image

Returns: Async<BcContext>

Runs a container of a specified image and keeps it running on the local default docker engine

image : DockerId
Returns: Async<BcContext>

initBcContextWithMountAsync connection image hostdirectory

Full Usage: initBcContextWithMountAsync connection image hostdirectory

Returns: Async<BcContext>

Runs a container of a specified image and keeps it running. Bind mounts the host directory under /data/ (without ':' and lower letter according to BioContainer standards).

connection : DockerClient
image : DockerId
hostdirectory : string
Returns: Async<BcContext>

putFileAsync bc sourceFileName targetFileName

Full Usage: putFileAsync bc sourceFileName targetFileName

    bc : BcContext
    sourceFileName : string
    targetFileName : string

Returns: Async<unit>

Copies file into a container (only single file is supported)

bc : BcContext
sourceFileName : string
targetFileName : string
Returns: Async<unit>

putStreamAsync bc sourceStream targetFileName

Full Usage: putStreamAsync bc sourceStream targetFileName

Returns: Async<unit>

Puts a stream in a container (only single file is supported)

bc : BcContext
sourceStream : Stream
targetFileName : string
Returns: Async<unit>

Type something to start searching.