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FSIPrinters Module

Pretty printers for various custom types in the library

Functions and values

Function or value Description

prettyPrintBioCollection sequence

Full Usage: prettyPrintBioCollection sequence

    sequence : 'a seq

Returns: string

print Biocollections in 6x10char blocks per line, preceeded by an index indicator

sequence : 'a seq
Returns: string

prettyPrintBioCollectionWithModifications sequence

Full Usage: prettyPrintBioCollectionWithModifications sequence

    sequence : 'a seq

Returns: string

print Biocollections in 6x10char blocks per line, preceeded by an index indicator

sequence : 'a seq
Returns: string

prettyPrintBioItem a

Full Usage: prettyPrintBioItem a

    a : 'a

Returns: string

print BioItems by using symbols for AminoAcids and Nucleotides, and the name of Modifications in [brackets]

a : 'a
Returns: string

prettyPrintBioItemWithModifications a

Full Usage: prettyPrintBioItemWithModifications a

    a : 'a

Returns: string

print BioItems by using symbols for AminoAcids and Nucleotides, and the name of Modifications in [brackets]

a : 'a
Returns: string

prettyPrintClustal alignment

Full Usage: prettyPrintClustal alignment

Returns: string

print Clustal formatted file as seen in the specifications.

alignment : Alignment<TaggedSequence<string, char>, AlignmentInfo>
Returns: string

prettyPrintGFF3 input

Full Usage: prettyPrintGFF3 input

Returns: string

print GFF3 formatted file as seen in the specifications.

input : GFFLine<'a> seq
Returns: string

prettyPrintGPL gpl

Full Usage: prettyPrintGPL gpl

Returns: string
gpl : GPL
Returns: string

prettyPrintGSE gse

Full Usage: prettyPrintGSE gse

Returns: string
gse : GSE
Returns: string

prettyPrintPlatformRecord platform

Full Usage: prettyPrintPlatformRecord platform

Returns: string
platform : PlatformRecord
Returns: string

prettyPrintSampleRecord sample

Full Usage: prettyPrintSampleRecord sample

Returns: string
sample : SampleRecord
Returns: string

prettyPrintSeriesRecord series

Full Usage: prettyPrintSeriesRecord series

Returns: string
series : SeriesRecord
Returns: string

Type something to start searching.