State equations and constants of ammonia. Short name: ammonia. Synomym: R-717. Chemical formula: NH3.
The source code was created automatically using the fluid file 'ammonia.fld' from the following software:
TREND 3.0.: Span, R.; Eckermann, T.; Herrig, S.; Hielscher, S.; Jäger, A.; Thol, M. (2016): TREND.Thermodynamic Reference and Engineering Data 3.0.Lehrstuhl für Thermodynamik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Further references (extracted from the fluid file):
EquationOfState (EOS): Tillner-Roth, R., Harms-Watzenberg, F., and Baehr, H.D., "Eine neue Fundamentalgleichung fuer Ammoniak," DKV-Tagungsbericht, 20:167-181, 1993.
HeatCapacity (CPP): Tillner-Roth, R., Harms-Watzenberg, F., and Baehr, H.D., "Eine neue Fundamentalgleichung fuer Ammoniak," DKV-Tagungsbericht, 20:167-181, 1993.
Melting pressure: Haar, L. and Gallagher, J.S., "Thermodynamic Properties of Ammonia," J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 7(3):635-792, 1978.
Saturated vapor pressure: Lemmon, C.K. and Lemmon, E.W., 2010.
Saturated liquid density: Lemmon, C.K. and Lemmon, E.W., 2010.
Saturated vapor density: Lemmon, C.K. and Lemmon, E.W., 2010.
Instance member | Description |
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the acentric factor.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the CAS registry number.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract |
The chemical formula of the fluid.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the mole density at the critical point in mol/m³.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the pressure at the critical point in Pa.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the temperature at the critical point in K.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the dipole moment in Debye.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract |
The chemical formula of the fluid.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract |
The full name of the fluid.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the lower temperature limit of this model in K.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the molecular weight in kg/mol.
Gets the boiling temperature at normal pressure (101325 Pa) in K (if existent). If not existent, the return value is null.
Gets the sublimation temperature at normal pressure (101325 Pa) in K (if existent). If not existent, the return value is null.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract |
The short name of the fluid.
Full Usage:
Returns: string
Modifiers: abstract |
The synonym of the name of the fluid.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the triple point pressure in Pa.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the triple point liquid mole density in mol/m³.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the triple point vapor mole density in mol/m³.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the triple point temperature in K.
The UN number of the fluid.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the upper density limit of this model in mol/m³.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the upper pressure limit of this model in Pa.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
Gets the upper temperature limit of this model in K.
Full Usage:
Returns: float
Modifiers: abstract |
The Universal Gas Constant R at the time the model was developed.
Static member | Description |
Gets the (only) instance of this class.