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Sequencing by Hybridization (SBH) involves building a miniature DNA array (or DNA chip), that contains thousands of short DNA fragments (probes). Each of these probes gives information about the presence
of a known, but short, sequence in the unknown DNA sequence. All these pieces of information together should reveal the identity of the target DNA sequence.
Given a short probe (an 8- to 30-nucleotide single-stranded synthetic DNA fragment) and a single-stranded target DNA fragment, the target will hybridize
with the probe if the probe is a substring of the target's complement. When the probe and the target are mixed together, they form a
weak chemical bond and stick together. For example, a probe ACCGTGGA will hybridize to a target CCCTGGCACCTA since it is complementary to the substring TGGCACCT of the target.
Given an unknown DNA sequence, an array provides information about all strings of length l (l-mer) that the sequence contains, but does not provide information
about their positions in the sequence. For example, the 8-mer composition of CCCTGGCACCTA is {CCCTGGCA, CCTGGCAC, CTGGCACC, TGGCACCT,GGCACCTA}
The reduction of the SBH problem to an Eulerian Path problem is to construct a graph whose edges,
rather than vertices, correspond to those l-mers, and then to find a path in this graph visiting every edge exactly once. Paths visiting ALL EDGES correspond to sequence reconstructions.
- Blog post introducing the method, its applications, and limitations.
- Implement a function which creates a directed graph from a given set of l-mers
Implement Hierholzer's algorithm for finding Eulerian paths in directed graphs
- Create a F# script file (.fsx) and paste the following text at the top of your file:
#r "nuget: FSharpAux, 1.1.0"
#r "nuget: BioFSharp, 2.0.0-preview.1"
#r "nuget: FSharp.FGL, 0.0.2"
#r "nuget: Cyjs.NET, 0.0.4"
open FSharpAux
open BioFSharp
open FSharp.FGL
open FSharp.FGL.Directed
open Cyjs.NET
- Vertices correspond to (l-1)-mers
- Edges correspond to l-mers from the spectrum
- All functions should operate on either
, BioList
or BioSeq
- Start with any Nucleotide array
let sampleSequence: array<Nucleotide> =
|> BioArray.ofNucleotideString
- Compute the l-mers of the Nucleotide array (in this case 3-mers)
let lMers3: array<array<Nucleotide>> =
[|[|A;T;G|]; [|T;G;G|]; [|T;G;C|]; [|G;T;G|]; [|G;G;C|]; [|G;C;A|]; [|G;C;G|]; [|C;G;T|]|]
- Initialize a directed graph
let graph: Graph<int,array<Nucleotide>,array<Nucleotide>> = Graph.empty
- Create a list with vertices based on the l-mers and add them to the graph
let vertices: list<int*array<Nucleotide>> =
[(1, [|A; T|]); (2, [|T; G|]); (3, [|G; T|]); (4, [|G; G|]); (5, [|G; C|]);(6, [|C; G|]); (7, [|C; A|])]
let graphWithVertices: Graph<int,array<Nucleotide>,array<Nucleotide>> =
Vertices.addMany vertices graph
- Create a list with edges based in the vertices and l-mers and add them to the graph
let edges: list<int*int*array<Nucleotide>>=
[(1, 2, [|A; T; G|]); (2, 4, [|T; G; G|]); (2, 5, [|T; G; C|]); (3, 2, [|G; T; G|]);
(4, 5, [|G; G; C|]); (5, 7, [|G; C; A|]); (5, 6, [|G; C; G|]); (6, 3, [|C; G; T|])]
let graphWithEdges: Graph<int,array<Nucleotide>,array<Nucleotide>> =
Edges.addMany edges graphWithVertices
- You can visualize the graph using Cyjs.NET
let inline toCyJS (g : Graph<'Vertex,array<Nucleotide>,array<Nucleotide>>) =
let vertices =
|> Vertices.toVertexList
|> (fun (id,name) ->
Elements.node (string id) [CyParam.label (name |> BioArray.toString)]
let edges =
|> Edges.toEdgeList
|> (fun (v1,v2,weight) ->
Elements.edge (string v1 + string v2) (string v1) (string v2) [CyParam.weight (weight |> BioArray.toString)]
CyGraph.initEmpty ()
|> CyGraph.withElements vertices
|> CyGraph.withElements edges
|> CyGraph.withLayout (Layout.initBreadthfirst id)
|> CyGraph.withStyle "node" [CyParam.content =. CyParam.label]
|> CyGraph.withStyle "edge"
[ "bezier"
CyParam.opacity 0.666
CyParam.width <=. (CyParam.weight, 70, 100, 5, 5)
CyParam.Target.Arrow.shape "triangle"
CyParam.Line.color =. CyParam.color
CyParam.Target.Arrow.color =. CyParam.color
CyParam.Source.Arrow.color =. CyParam.color
|> toCyJS
No value returned by any evaluator
This graph is semibalanced (|indegree - outdegree| = 1)
. If a graph has an Eulerian path starting at vertex s and ending at vertex t, then all its vertices are balanced,
with the possible exception of s and t, which may be semibalanced.
- The Eulerian path problem can be reduced to the Eulerian cycle problem by adding an edge between two semibalanced vertices.
Choose any starting vertex, and follow a path along the unused edges from that vertex until you return to it. You will alway return to the starting vertex in a balanced Eulerian graph.
Since every vertex has indegreee = outdegree
, there is always an unused edge to leave the current vertex. The path found by doing this is a closed tour, starting and ending at the same vertex,
but not necessarily covering all vertices and edges.
- As long as there exists a vertex in the current closed tour that has unused edges, you can start finding a new closed tour and join it with the previously found tour.
- Since we assume the original graph is connected, repeating the previous step will cover all edges of the graph.
Implement the algorithm, so that it works on a FSharp.FGL.Graph
- Returns all outward edges of vertex 1
Graph.getContext 1 graphWithEdges
|> Vertices.outwardEdges
- Returns all inward edges of vertex 2
Graph.getContext 2 graphWithEdges
|> Vertices.inwardEdges
[(1, 2, [|A; T; G|]); (3, 2, [|G; T; G|])]
- Returns all inward edges for all vertices in the graph
Graph.mapContexts Vertices.inwardEdges graphWithEdges
[(1, []); (2, [(1, 2, [|A; T; G|]); (3, 2, [|G; T; G|])]);
(3, [(6, 3, [|C; G; T|])]); (4, [(2, 4, [|T; G; G|])]);
(5, [(2, 5, [|T; G; C|]); (4, 5, [|G; G; C|])]); (6, [(5, 6, [|G; C; G|])]);
(7, [(5, 7, [|G; C; A|])])]
- Returns all outward edges for all vertices in the graph
Graph.mapContexts Vertices.outwardEdges graphWithEdges
[(1, [(1, 2, [|A; T; G|])]); (2, [(2, 4, [|T; G; G|]); (2, 5, [|T; G; C|])]);
(3, [(3, 2, [|G; T; G|])]); (4, [(4, 5, [|G; G; C|])]);
(5, [(5, 6, [|G; C; G|]); (5, 7, [|G; C; A|])]); (6, [(6, 3, [|C; G; T|])]);
(7, [])]
- Returns the adjacency matrix representation of the graph
Graph.toAdjacencyMatrix graphWithEdges
- Implement a function that returns an array of l-mers for any given DNA-Sequence
- Generate an Eulerian Graph based on the returned set of l-mers
- Compare the reconstructed sequence to the original sequence
- Optional: Implement a function that performs the steps above for a large number of sequences with varying l-mer lengths
- Introduction about SBH, and how it is used today
- Describe the limits and weaknesses of the approach in your blog post
- Compare Hierholzer's algorithm to Fleury's algorithm
namespace FSharpAux
namespace BioFSharp
Multiple items
namespace FSharp
namespace Microsoft.FSharp
namespace FSharp.FGL
namespace FSharp.FGL.Directed
namespace Cyjs
namespace Cyjs.NET
module Nucleotides
from BioFSharp
Contains the Nucleotide type and its according functions.
val sampleSequence : Nucleotide array
type 'T array = 'T []
<summary>Single dimensional, zero-based arrays, written <c>int[]</c>, <c>string[]</c> etc.</summary>
<remarks>Use the values in the <see cref="T:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.ArrayModule" /> module to manipulate values
of this type, or the notation <c>arr.[x]</c> to get/set array
<category>Basic Types</category>
type Nucleotide =
| A
| T
| G
| C
| U
| I
| Gap
| Ter
| R
| Y
interface IBioItem
static member op_Explicit : value:#IBioItem -> byte + 1 overload
Nucleotide Codes
Multiple items
module BioArray
from BioFSharp.BioCollectionsExtensions
module BioArray
from BioFSharp
This module contains the BioArray type and its according functions. The BioArray type is an array of objects using the IBioItem interface
val ofNucleotideString : s:#seq<char> -> BioArray.BioArray<Nucleotide>
Generates nucleotide sequence of one-letter-code raw string
val lMers3 : Nucleotide array array
union case Nucleotide.A: Nucleotide
A : Adenine
union case Nucleotide.T: Nucleotide
T : Thymidine (only DNA)
union case Nucleotide.G: Nucleotide
G : Guanine
union case Nucleotide.C: Nucleotide
C : Cytosine
val graph : Graph<int,Nucleotide array,Nucleotide array>
Multiple items
module Graph
from FSharp.FGL.Directed
module Graph
from FSharp.FGL
General functions for both directed and undirected graphs
module Graph
from FSharpAux
type Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge (requires comparison)> = Map<'Vertex,MContext<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge>>
Map of Vertices as keys and MContexts as values
Multiple items
val int : value:'T -> int (requires member op_Explicit)
<summary>Converts the argument to signed 32-bit integer. This is a direct conversion for all
primitive numeric types. For strings, the input is converted using <c>Int32.Parse()</c>
with InvariantCulture settings. Otherwise the operation requires an appropriate
static conversion method on the input type.</summary>
<param name="value">The input value.</param>
<returns>The converted int</returns>
type int = int32
<summary>An abbreviation for the CLI type <see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</summary>
<category>Basic Types</category>
type int<'Measure> =
<summary>The type of 32-bit signed integer numbers, annotated with a unit of measure. The unit
of measure is erased in compiled code and when values of this type
are analyzed using reflection. The type is representationally equivalent to
<see cref="T:System.Int32" />.</summary>
<category>Basic Types with Units of Measure</category>
val empty : Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires comparison)
Creates a new, empty graph.
val vertices : (int * Nucleotide array) list
type 'T list = List<'T>
<summary>The type of immutable singly-linked lists. </summary>
<remarks>See the <see cref="T:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.ListModule" /> module for further operations related to lists.
Use the constructors <c>[]</c> and <c>::</c> (infix) to create values of this type, or
the notation <c>[1; 2; 3]</c>. Use the values in the <c>List</c> module to manipulate
values of this type, or pattern match against the values directly.
See also <a href="">F# Language Guide - Lists</a>.
val graphWithVertices : Graph<int,Nucleotide array,Nucleotide array>
Multiple items
module Vertices
from FSharp.FGL.Directed
Functions for vertices of directed Graphs
module Vertices
from FSharp.FGL
Functions for vertices of both directed and undirected graphs
val addMany : vertices:LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> list -> g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires comparison)
Adds a list of labeled vertices to the graph.
val edges : (int * int * Nucleotide array) list
val graphWithEdges : Graph<int,Nucleotide array,Nucleotide array>
module Edges
from FSharp.FGL.Directed
Functions for edges of directed Graphs
val addMany : edges:LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> list -> g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires comparison)
Adds a list of labeled, directed edges to the graph.
val toCyJS : g:Graph<'Vertex,Nucleotide array,Nucleotide array> -> CyGraph.CyGraph (requires comparison)
val g : Graph<'Vertex,Nucleotide array,Nucleotide array> (requires comparison)
val vertices : Elements.Node list
val toVertexList : g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> LVertex<'Vertex,'Label> list (requires comparison)
Creates a list of all vertices and their labels.
Multiple items
module List
from FSharpAux
module List
from Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
<summary>Contains operations for working with values of type <see cref="T:Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.list`1" />.</summary>
<namespacedoc><summary>Operations for collections such as lists, arrays, sets, maps and sequences. See also
<a href="">F# Collection Types</a> in the F# Language Guide.
type List<'T> =
| ( [] )
| ( :: ) of Head: 'T * Tail: 'T list
interface IReadOnlyList<'T>
interface IReadOnlyCollection<'T>
interface IEnumerable
interface IEnumerable<'T>
member GetReverseIndex : rank:int * offset:int -> int
member GetSlice : startIndex:int option * endIndex:int option -> 'T list
static member Cons : head:'T * tail:'T list -> 'T list
member Head : 'T
member IsEmpty : bool
member Item : index:int -> 'T with get
<summary>The type of immutable singly-linked lists.</summary>
<remarks>Use the constructors <c>[]</c> and <c>::</c> (infix) to create values of this type, or
the notation <c>[1;2;3]</c>. Use the values in the <c>List</c> module to manipulate
values of this type, or pattern match against the values directly.
<exclude />
val map : mapping:('T -> 'U) -> list:'T list -> 'U list
<summary>Builds a new collection whose elements are the results of applying the given function
to each of the elements of the collection.</summary>
<param name="mapping">The function to transform elements from the input list.</param>
<param name="list">The input list.</param>
<returns>The list of transformed elements.</returns>
val id : 'Vertex (requires comparison)
val name : Nucleotide array
Multiple items
module Elements
from Cyjs.NET
module Elements
from BioFSharp
Contains chemical elements represented as a mixture of their stable isotopes and functionality for building them
val node : id:string -> dataAttributes:CyParam.CyStyleParam list -> Elements.Node
Multiple items
val string : value:'T -> string
<summary>Converts the argument to a string using <c>ToString</c>.</summary>
<remarks>For standard integer and floating point values the and any type that implements <c>IFormattable</c><c>ToString</c> conversion uses <c>CultureInfo.InvariantCulture</c>. </remarks>
<param name="value">The input value.</param>
<returns>The converted string.</returns>
type string = System.String
<summary>An abbreviation for the CLI type <see cref="T:System.String" />.</summary>
<category>Basic Types</category>
module CyParam
from Cyjs.NET
val label : v:'a -> CyParam.CyStyleParam
val toString : bs:BioArray.BioArray<#IBioItem> -> string
Returns string of one-letter-code
val edges : Elements.Edge list
val toEdgeList : g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> list (requires comparison)
Creates a list of all edges and their labels.
val v1 : 'Vertex (requires comparison)
val v2 : 'Vertex (requires comparison)
val weight : Nucleotide array
val edge : id:string -> sourceId:string -> targetId:string -> dataAttributes:CyParam.CyStyleParam list -> Elements.Edge
val weight : v:'a -> CyParam.CyStyleParam
module CyGraph
from Cyjs.NET
val initEmpty : unit -> CytoscapeModel.Cytoscape
val withElements : elems:seq<CytoscapeModel.Element> -> cy:CyGraph.CyGraph -> CyGraph.CyGraph
val withLayout : ly:Layout -> cy:CyGraph.CyGraph -> CyGraph.CyGraph
Multiple items
module Layout
from Cyjs.NET
type Layout =
inherit DynamicObj
new : name:string -> Layout
member name : string
Layout type inherits from dynamic object
new : name:string -> Layout
val initBreadthfirst : applyOption:(Layout -> Layout) -> Layout
initializes a layout of type "breadthfirst" applying the givin layout option function.
The "breadthfirst" layout puts nodes in a hierarchy, based on a breadthfirst traversal of the graph. It is best suited to trees
and forests in its default top-down mode, and it is best suited to DAGs in its circle mode.
val id : x:'T -> 'T
<summary>The identity function</summary>
<param name="x">The input value.</param>
<returns>The same value.</returns>
val withStyle : selector:string -> cyStyles:seq<CyParam.CyStyleParam> -> cy:CyGraph.CyGraph -> CyGraph.CyGraph
val content : v:'a -> CyParam.CyStyleParam
module Curve
from Cyjs.NET.CyParam
val style : v:'a -> CyParam.CyStyleParam
val opacity : v:'a -> CyParam.CyStyleParam
val width : v:'a -> CyParam.CyStyleParam
module Target
from Cyjs.NET.CyParam
module Arrow
from Cyjs.NET.CyParam.Target
val shape : v:'a -> CyParam.CyStyleParam
module Line
from Cyjs.NET.CyParam
val color : v:'a -> CyParam.CyStyleParam
module Source
from Cyjs.NET.CyParam
module Arrow
from Cyjs.NET.CyParam.Source
val withSize : width:int * height:int -> cy:CyGraph.CyGraph -> CyGraph.CyGraph
module HTML
from Cyjs.NET
HTML template for Cytoscape
val toEmbeddedHTML : cy:CytoscapeModel.Cytoscape -> string
Converts a CyGraph to it HTML representation and embeds it into a html page.
val getContext : v:'Vertex -> g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> Context<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> (requires comparison)
Lookup a context in the graph. Raising KeyNotFoundException if no binding exists in the graph.
val outwardEdges : Adj<'Vertex,'Edge> * 'Vertex * 'Label * Adj<'Vertex,'Edge> -> LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> list (requires comparison)
Returns all edges pointing away from the given vertex
val inwardEdges : Adj<'Vertex,'Edge> * 'Vertex * 'Label * Adj<'Vertex,'Edge> -> LEdge<'Vertex,'Edge> list (requires comparison)
Returns all edges pointing to the given vertex
val mapContexts : mapping:(Context<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> 'T) -> g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> Map<'Vertex,'T> (requires comparison)
Maps contexts of the graph.
val toAdjacencyMatrix : g:Graph<'Vertex,'Label,'Edge> -> 'Edge [] [] (requires comparison)
Transforms a graph into an adjacency matrix of its edges.