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Blast Module

DSLs for executing commands in the BLAST biocontainer Generated and tested for the tag blast:2.2.31--pl526h3066fca_3

Types and nested modules

Type/Module Description


DSL for blastn programs The blastn application searches a nucleotide query against nucleotide subject sequences or a nucleotide database. Four different tasks are supported: 1.) “megablast”, for very similar sequences (e.g, sequencing errors) 2.) “dc-megablast”, typically used for inter-species comparisons 3.) “blastn”, the traditional program used for inter-species comparisons 4.) “blastn-short”, optimized for sequences less than 30 nucleotides.


DSL for blastp programs The blastp application searches a protein sequence against protein subject sequences or a protein database. Three different tasks are supported: 1.) “blastp”, for standard protein-protein comparisons 2.) “blastp-short”, optimized for query sequences shorter than 30 residues 3.) “blastp-fast”, a faster version that uses a larger word-size


DSL for command line parameters that are common to all blast applications


Molecule type of input, values can be nucl or prot


Input file type for makeblastdb


DSL for command line arguments for the NCBI makeblastdb tool


OutputType options Tabular, TabularWithComments, and CSV can be additionally configured to produce a custom format specified by space delimited format specifiers. When not provided, the default value is: 'qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore', which is equivalent to the keyword 'std'


alignment view options

Functions and values

Function or value Description

runMakeBlastDB bcContext opt

Full Usage: runMakeBlastDB bcContext opt


run makeblastdb in the specified container context with the given commands

bcContext : BcContext
opt : MakeBlastDbParams list

runMakeBlastDBAsync bcContext opt

Full Usage: runMakeBlastDBAsync bcContext opt

Returns: Async<unit>

returns an asynchronous computation that will run makeblastdb in the specified container context with the given commands

bcContext : BcContext
opt : MakeBlastDbParams list
Returns: Async<unit>

Type something to start searching.