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GFF3 Module

Contains functions for reading and writing GFF3 files

Types and nested modules

Type/Module Description


Parse FastA to GFF3


represents fields of one GFF3 entry line


represents all kinds of lines which can be present in a GFF3 file

Functions and values

Function or value Description

createGFFEntry seqid source feature startPos endPos score strand phase attributes supplement

Full Usage: createGFFEntry seqid source feature startPos endPos score strand phase attributes supplement

    seqid : string
    source : string
    feature : string
    startPos : string
    endPos : string
    score : string
    strand : string
    phase : string
    attributes : string
    supplement : string

Returns: GFFEntry

Takes strings of each field and creates a GFFEntry type thereby converting the strings into desired types.

seqid : string
source : string
feature : string
startPos : string
endPos : string
score : string
strand : string
phase : string
attributes : string
supplement : string
Returns: GFFEntry

fromFile fastAconverter filepath

Full Usage: fromFile fastAconverter filepath

    fastAconverter : char seq -> 'a
    filepath : string

Returns: GFFLine<'a> seq

reads in a file and gives a GFFLine<'a> list. If file contains a FastA sequence it is converted to FastA.FastaItem with given converter. (Use 'id' as converter if no FastA is required).

fastAconverter : char seq -> 'a
filepath : string
Returns: GFFLine<'a> seq

fromFileWithoutFasta filepath

Full Usage: fromFileWithoutFasta filepath

    filepath : string

Returns: GFFLine<char seq> seq

if no information about Sequence is required or no Fasta is included you can use this function

filepath : string
Returns: GFFLine<char seq> seq

gFFEntrytoString g

Full Usage: gFFEntrytoString g

Returns: string

converts a single GFF entry to a line (string) of a GFF file

g : GFFEntry
Returns: string

getSequence cDSfeature gFFFile

Full Usage: getSequence cDSfeature gFFFile

Returns: 'a0 seq

if a FastA sequence is included this function searches the features corresponding sequence

cDSfeature : GFFEntry
gFFFile : GFFLine<'a> seq
Returns: 'a0 seq

parseStrToGFFEntry str

Full Usage: parseStrToGFFEntry str

    str : string

Returns: GFFEntry

Converts a string into a GFFEntry type. If there are more than 9 fields an additional "supplement" field gets filled. If there are less than 9 only the supplement field gets filled with the whole line.

str : string
Returns: GFFEntry

relationshipSearch gffList searchterm

Full Usage: relationshipSearch gffList searchterm

    gffList : GFFLine<'a> seq
    searchterm : string

Returns: GFFEntry seq

Searches for a term and gives a list of all features of which the searchterm is the mainfeature (ID) or a child of it (Parent).

gffList : GFFLine<'a> seq
searchterm : string
Returns: GFFEntry seq

sanityCheck filepath

Full Usage: sanityCheck filepath

    filepath : string

filepath : string

sanityCheckWithSOTerm so_TermsPath filepath

Full Usage: sanityCheckWithSOTerm so_TermsPath filepath

    so_TermsPath : string
    filepath : string

Validates GFF3 file. Prints all appearances of errors with line index. If no (SO)FA check is needed set "" as so_TermsPath.

so_TermsPath : string
filepath : string

toString converter input

Full Usage: toString converter input

    converter : 'a -> char
    input : GFFLine<'a0> seq

Returns: string seq

converts GFF lines to string sequence. Hint: Use id as converter if no FASTA sequence is included.

converter : 'a -> char
input : GFFLine<'a0> seq
Returns: string seq

write converter path input

Full Usage: write converter path input

    converter : 'a -> char
    path : string
    input : GFFLine<'a0> seq

writes GFF lines to file. Hint: Use id as converter if no FASTA sequence is included.

converter : 'a -> char
path : string
input : GFFLine<'a0> seq

writeOrAppend converter path input

Full Usage: writeOrAppend converter path input

    converter : 'a -> char
    path : string
    input : GFFLine<'a0> seq

writesOrAppends GFF lines to file. Hint: Use id as converter if no FASTA sequence is included.

converter : 'a -> char
path : string
input : GFFLine<'a0> seq

Type something to start searching.