If you want to build the binaries for all tools at one, you can simply navigate to the project root in the console and call:
If you want to build only a singe project, then you can use the "BuildProj" target like this:
build.cmd -t BuildProj
After the "Clean" target you will then be prompted to enter the name of the project you wish to build.
If you want to pack a nuget package or build a dotnet tool, you can do this for all tools at once by invoking the "Pack" or "PackPrerelease" target.
build.cmd -t Pack
Packing only a single project works similar to the same case for the binaries. The targets for this are calles "PackProj" and "PackPrereleaseProj":
build.cmd -t PackProj
After the "Clean" target you will then be prompted to enter the name of the project you wish to build.