If you want to extend the functionality of the ProteomIQon you can either submit a pull request to update an existing tool or - if the functionality is better encapsulated as a stand alone application - create a new tool. To make this as as easy as possible we created a tool template which sets up a basic scaffold for your new tool!
Assuming that you have cloned the ProteomIQon repository you can install the tool by navigating to the project root and calling:
dotnet new --install ./ConsoleTemplate/template
The installation can then be verified by executing the following snippet:
dotnet new --list
This should print a list of installed templates. If everything was successful you will find the line among the installed tools:
Templates Short Name Language Tags
------------------------------ ------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------
prototypical proteomiqon co... pct F# proteomiqon console/proteomiqon/template
To initialize a new tool using the template, navigate into the 'src' folder, replace 'projectName' with your choice for a tool name and call:
dotnet new pct -n "projectName" --force
Afterwards navigate back to the project root and execute the following line to add your tool to the ProteomIQon solution:
dotnet sln ProteomIQon.sln add "./src/projectName/projectName.fsproj"
Afterwards you should be good to go! Have fun extending the ProteomIQon, we look forward to your contribution!