
Peptide Spectrum Matching

Disclaimer this tool needs a peptide database to query against, if you did not create one yet you can do so by using the PeptideDB tool.

An established method to identify acquired MS/MS spectra is the comparison of each spectrum with peptides in a reference database.

Given raw a MS run in the mzLite or mzml format, this tool iterates accross all recorded MS/MS scans and determines the charge state of precursor ions which were selected for fragmentation. With this it is possible to query the peptide data base for every precursor ion mass +/- a tolerance (which defines the so called 'search space') and retrieve peptides that are theoretical candidates for a match. For each of the peptide candidates we create an theoretical spectrum in silico and compare it to the measured MS/MS scan.

To measure similarity we use our own implementations of three established search enginge scores: SEQUEST, Andromeda and XTandem. The search space is extended by so called decoys. Decoys are reversed counterparts of peptides within the search space and allow us to assign a false discovery rate to each scored peptide using the PSMStatistics tool.


The following table gives an overview of the parameter set:


Default Value



{ExpectedMinimalCharge = 2; ExpectedMaximumCharge = 5; Width = 1.1; MinIntensity = 0.15; DeltaMinIntensity = 0.3; NrOfRndSpectra = 10000}

Parameters used for the charge state determination of the peptides



Mass range in Da in which potential peptides are selected



m/z range for MS2 spectra



Considered ions starting from the N-Terminus



Considered ions starting from the C-Terminus


{PMinPMax = 4,10; MatchingIonTolerancePPM = 100.}

Andromeda scoring parameters

Parameter Generation

Parameters are handed to the cli tool as a .json file. you can download the default file here, or use an F# script, which can be downloaded or run in Binder at the top of the page, to write your own parameter file:

#r "nuget: BioFSharp.Mz, 0.1.5-beta"
#r "nuget: Newtonsoft.Json, 12.0.3"
#r "nuget: ProteomIQon, 0.0.5"

open BioFSharp.Mz.SearchDB
open Newtonsoft.Json
open ProteomIQon
open ProteomIQon.Domain
open BioFSharp.Mz

let chargeDetermParams :ChargeState.ChargeDetermParams =
        ExpectedMinimalCharge = 2
        ExpectedMaximumCharge = 5
        Width                 = 1.1
        MinIntensity          = 0.15
        DeltaMinIntensity     = 0.3
        NrOfRndSpectra        = 10000

let andromedaParams: AndromedaParams =
        PMinPMax                = 4,10
        MatchingIonTolerancePPM = 100.

let peptideSpectrumMatchingParams :Dto.PeptideSpectrumMatchingParams =
        ChargeStateDeterminationParams = chargeDetermParams 
        LookUpPPM                      = 30.
        nTerminalSeries                = NTerminalSeries.B
        cTerminalSeries                = CTerminalSeries.Y
        Andromeda                      = andromedaParams

let serialized =
    |> JsonConvert.SerializeObject

Executing the Tool

Disclaimer this tool needs a peptide database to query against, if you did not create one yet you can do so by using the PeptideDB tool.

To score all MS/MS of an MS run simply call:

proteomiqon-peptidespectrummatching -i "path/to/your/run.mzml" -d "path/to/your/database.sqlite" -o "path/to/your/outDirectory" -p "path/to/your/params.json"

It is also possible to call the tool on a list of MS files. If you have a mulitcore cpu it is possible to score multiple runs in parallel using the -c flag:

proteomiqon-peptidespectrummatching -i "path/to/your/run1.mzml" "path/to/your/run2.mzml" "path/to/your/run3.mzml" -d "path/to/your/database.sqlite" -o "path/to/your/outDirectory" -p "path/to/your/params.json" -c 3

A detailed description of the CLI arguments the tool expects can be obtained by calling the tool:

proteomiqon-peptidespectrummatching --help
namespace BioFSharp
namespace BioFSharp.Mz
module SearchDB

from BioFSharp.Mz
namespace Newtonsoft
namespace Newtonsoft.Json
namespace ProteomIQon
module Domain

from ProteomIQon
val chargeDetermParams : ChargeState.ChargeDetermParams
module ChargeState

from BioFSharp.Mz
type ChargeDetermParams =
  { ExpectedMinimalCharge: int
    ExpectedMaximumCharge: int
    Width: float
    MinIntensity: float
    DeltaMinIntensity: float
    NrOfRndSpectra: int }
val andromedaParams : AndromedaParams
type AndromedaParams =
  { PMinPMax: int * int
    MatchingIonTolerancePPM: float }
val peptideSpectrumMatchingParams : Dto.PeptideSpectrumMatchingParams
module Dto

from ProteomIQon
Multiple items
module PeptideSpectrumMatchingParams

from ProteomIQon.Dto

type PeptideSpectrumMatchingParams =
  { ChargeStateDeterminationParams: ChargeDetermParams
    LookUpPPM: float
    nTerminalSeries: NTerminalSeries
    cTerminalSeries: CTerminalSeries
    Andromeda: AndromedaParams }
Multiple items
module NTerminalSeries

from ProteomIQon.Common

type NTerminalSeries = (BioFSharp.IBioItem -> float) -> BioFSharp.AminoAcids.AminoAcid list -> PeakFamily<TaggedMass.TaggedMass> list
union case NTerminalSeries.B: NTerminalSeries
Multiple items
module CTerminalSeries

from ProteomIQon.Common

type CTerminalSeries = (BioFSharp.IBioItem -> float) -> BioFSharp.AminoAcids.AminoAcid list -> PeakFamily<TaggedMass.TaggedMass> list
union case CTerminalSeries.Y: CTerminalSeries
val serialized : string
type JsonConvert =
  static member DeserializeAnonymousType<'T> : value: string * anonymousTypeObject: 'T -> 'T + 1 overload
  static member DeserializeObject : value: string -> obj + 7 overloads
  static member DeserializeXNode : value: string -> XDocument + 3 overloads
  static member DeserializeXmlNode : value: string -> XmlDocument + 3 overloads
  static member EnsureDecimalPlace : value: float * text: string -> string + 1 overload
  static member EnsureFloatFormat : value: float * text: string * floatFormatHandling: FloatFormatHandling * quoteChar: char * nullable: bool -> string
  static member PopulateObject : value: string * target: obj -> unit + 1 overload
  static member SerializeObject : value: obj -> string + 7 overloads
  static member SerializeObjectInternal : value: obj * type: Type * jsonSerializer: JsonSerializer -> string
  static member SerializeXNode : node: XObject -> string + 2 overloads
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value: obj) : string
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value: obj, settings: JsonSerializerSettings) : string
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value: obj, [<System.ParamArray>] converters: JsonConverter []) : string
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value: obj, formatting: Formatting) : string
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value: obj, formatting: Formatting, settings: JsonSerializerSettings) : string
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value: obj, type: System.Type, settings: JsonSerializerSettings) : string
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value: obj, formatting: Formatting, [<System.ParamArray>] converters: JsonConverter []) : string
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(value: obj, type: System.Type, formatting: Formatting, settings: JsonSerializerSettings) : string